Chapter 24 - She comes Undone

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She Comes Undone

Zak was pissed off. No not pissed off, he was livid! He was ready to kill something, anything, or anyone who dared cross his path. He was marching up to Ana's room. His boots stomped with unnecessary loudness against each step.

He had been getting ready for a day of filming and research when Aaron had come to his door to ask if he had heard anything from Ana since last night. Zak of course had told him no, that he had been busy with research all day and had not seen or heard from her. This was just a nice way of saying that he was ignoring her.

Aaron then proceeded to tell him about how Ana had fallen in the lake last night when she was out with Keane. She had come back with borderline hypothermia, and no one had bothered to call him or let him know any of this. So after he threw Aaron out of his room, he made his way up to Ana's room.

Although it would seem that he was not going to make it that far because when he got to the top of the stairs, Nick was there waiting for him.

-"Move." Zak growled.

-"And where are you going sunshine?" Nick said. Although his words were light and humorous his tone was not.

-"I am going to see Ana and once I am sure she is alright, I am going to kill Keane for letting her fall in that fucking lake!"

Zak was quite upset at his friends as well, no one had bothered to tell him anything.

-"I think you just need to calm down before you do anything. How about we go to my room first." Nick crossed his arms over his chest; this was obviously not a suggestion but an order.

Zak glared at Nick and thought about just shoving him out of the way, but both men were pretty well matched and pushing Nick would probably just make things worse. He grudgingly nodded and headed in the direction of Nick's room, which was on the opposite side of Ana's.

Once in Nick's room and the door shut, his friend wasted no time on pleasantries.

-"What the fuck is your problem now, Zak?"

-"What do you think? Everyone knows that Ana almost drowned and none of you bothered to even tell me?" Zak stood by the door.

-"We didn't tell you because we don't know what we can and can't tell you anymore. You been a real ass the last three days, you been ignoring Ana, and the rest of us as well, and when we do talk to you, you practically bite our fucking heads off! So yeah we didn't tell you. Ana is fine. I stayed with her most of the night, made sure she was good. I was about to and check on her now, but I got a text from Aaron saying you were on the war path again."

Zak tried to calm down. His friend was right. He had been an ass to not only Ana, but to everyone in general. Nick sighed at Zak.

-"Look dude, you can't keep this shit up. Either you two make up or send her home man; I can't deal with this shit anymore. I love you like a brother, but I've had it. Keane saved her life last night. You should have seen him with her ... if you don't get your shit together you will lose her to him, and right now I wouldn't blame her for choosing him."

Nick had said what he needed to say, he walked past Zak and opened the door to his room, telling Zak very clearly to get out.

Zak did not make another attempt to go to Ana's room. He had some serious thinking to do.


I dozed in the warm bed, covered with the fluffy down comforter. The curtains were closed but from the little light that did come through I could tell that it was a dreary, dark day. A small fire crackled in the fireplace and for a few moments this truly felt like bliss. Nick had spent the night on the tiny love seat. I told him it really wasn't necessary, I felt fine. Once I got out of the tub, the chill was out of my bones and all I felt was exhausted. But Nick insistent on staying, and the poor guy had paid for it. I had heard him mumble and grumble all night. He was simply too big for the loveseat.

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