Chapter 17 - Book of Secrets

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Just a quick note before reading.  In this chapter I wrote Ana's part to a certain piece of music.  I always usually write with music but I thought this one fit well enough to share it, so if you are bored or feel like it, just hop on youtube and look for "Sergio Leone Suite"  Great piece of music :)

Book of Secrets

Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith. – Margaret Shepard

Zak watched Ana run down the hallway until she disappeared from view. He waited until he heard the elevator doors open and shut before he went back into his room. He walked into the spacious room and stopped next to the table where his and Ana's glasses rested. Clenching and unclenching his fists he tried to calm his rising anger with little success. Without thinking he grabbed one of the glasses and flung it against the wall. It hit the wall hard and shattered into a thousand pieces onto the rug.

Breathing hard like he had just ran a marathon he stared at the water stain on the wall. He was such a fucking moron. He had Ana, right here, and he told her he just sort of liked her, but that he didn't love her, then to be even more of a jerk he told her that he thought she was hiding something. Yeah, he a real Romeo alright ... Why the hell did he tell her that?

He stomped over to the bed and sat on the edge. He hung his head low. When Ana had showed up at his door part of him was thrilled but another was very leery. Since they had been in Nick's room he had felt a small change in her, and he was positive she was aware of it. She was keeping something from him and he had to find out what.

He might have been an empath and he could sometimes tell what others were feeling, once in a while he could even get a brief image of what they were thinking. But unfortunately being an empath also meant that when it came to people he cared about he often got his signals crossed. Sometimes it was hard to tell the difference between what the people he cared about was really feeling and what he wanted them to fell for him. Right now though what he needed was some advice.

Grabbing his phone he found Nick's number and waited for him to pick up.

-"Hello?" Nick's groggy voice answered.

He had to stop waking up his poor friend.

-"Nick, got a second?" Zak asked his head still bowed low.

-"Dude, you need to learn to want to talk when I'm not trying to fucking sleep." Nick snapped annoyed. Zak was silent and Nick gave a resigning sigh. "What's up?"

-"I think I really fucked up this time."

-"That doesn't really surprise me ..." Nick said with a hint of humor. "What did you do this time?"

Zak rubbed his face with his free hand.

-"I ... Errmm ... " This was not easy for Zak. He wasn't an overly emotional person, and sharing things, especially when he fucked wasn't his strong suit. "Ana was here."

-"Yeah ..." Nick urged.

-"Yeah ... and she uhmm ... Well you know, shit happened, and we ended up in bed together."

-"Why don't I like where this is going ..."

Zak groaned.

-"She didn't want to have sex, I told her fine ... but then she started asking shit, and I told her I liked her but I didn't love her."

-"You what?"

-"I was just trying to be truthful!" Zak said defensively.

-"So let me get this straight, Ana comes to your room, you guys fool around, she ends up in your bed and you tell her you just sort of like her?" Nick sounded outraged. "And what did Ana say to that awesome little nugget of info you gave her?"

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