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(Y/N) was always a fun loving young woman who seemed to pack quite a punch. But yet her weekness had always been caring far too much and giving too much. Kindness is always mistaken for Weekness as the world would see. But she would be able to partly read people and she had a very open mind.

You didn't see it that way. You saw the pure beauty of the world along with always putting your best foot forward. But you would sometimes take hits very hard.

Flash back

(Your POV)

In class it seemed to be like every other day. The sun was bright and the day was slow but things changed from here on out.

"Hey, is this seet taken?" You say walking over to the group your teacher assigned you to.

"No get lost (Mean Nickname)," One of the students said throwing all of their stuff in front of you, we're you were saposed to be.

"Hey," You say keeping you calm. "The teacher assigned me this spot."

"Well that's too bad, get lost,"

Why are they treating me like this. I know that I didn't have meny friends and I didn't really fit in and I wasn't the type to want to talk to anyone. You thought.

"Please," You say. "I need to get my work done." You say clenching your fists slowly getting Angier and Angier.

"I said get lost, you loner." One of the bigger guys get up and push you onto the floor. Than he laughs and faces his friends like he'd accomplish something. "Worthless,"

You got up from the ground before pushing your hands out in anger for yet no reason at all; Closing your eyes feeling that buzzy fealing in your hands, sending the other guy across the room.

(End of Flash Back)

I don't even know what happend that day. All I want to say is that I pushed him. Not without using my hands, 'I pushed him like a normal person' as everyone else would say.

My mother was even more concerned. She didn't even know how to act. She just told me that I was only trying to make sense over what had just happend. But I know what I did ...


I walked home just like every other night, after school. Just like every other college student for that matter. I lived in a pretty quiet neighborhood and I never really had to worry about being kidnapped or raped for that matter.

I passed several weird looking trees that looked as if they were dying, from the cold winter air. I could feel the breeze running through my (H/C) Hair. The cold stung my espoused ears, I just didin't like the cold.

Things started to get worse as it got darker. Like pitch black as I made my way through the forest path way I heard sticks snap behind me.


I turned and no one was there, my head started to hurt as I felt like I was being watched. It felt like more then one pare of eyes to be honest and it just wouldin't leave, like it was lingering in the air. But I didin't feel safe by the eyes like someone I knew was watching me or my 'friends' were playing a game with me or something like that.

"Hello is anyone out there?" My voice just echoed through the wiping snow filled air. "This isn't funny,"

I grabbed my belongings tighter and caired on through the path. Before I came across a blind spot. The path sort of came to a stop and I must have taken a wrong turn. "Oh no, what did I do now?"

I looked around and everything was just light enough for me to see, when I saw the person that was behind me.

A man in white strange armor? Must have been some sort of guy that thought it would be funny to scare me like this.

"Hey you there!" He says to me. "Stop in the name of the the First Order-"

Something inside just told me to run. I ran from the other way from that guy and I just bolted down the uncharted snowy forest. I just wanted to shut my door and stay inside away from what ever that was. But it wasin't for a block or two away!

I could hear more and more of them chasing after me in the distance, giving me a jolt. Making my heart run cold and setting my body into panic!

I don't know these people! What did I do to diserve this?!

"STOP HER! LORD REN WANTS HER ALIVE!" One of the men said a few ways behind me.

Lord Ren? Well at least I have a name. Who ever this 'Lord Ren' is that is harassing me will pay!

I heard them shouting far behind me. I never knew I could run this fast before I tripped on a loose log sending me onto the cold ground. I gasped as I quickly turned to get up when right in front of me was a very tall man dressed in all black shoving a dangerous weapon in my face that glowed red. It looked like it was something that you would only see in movies. The plasma blade would definitely hurt someone but I couldin't tell what he wanted from me and I didin't know if he wanted to hurt me with it or not.

I wanted to turn back and run the other direction but I looked behind me and they had all cought up with me.

"(Y/N)," The man in front of me said in an almost robotic voice. "I have been looking forward to meeting you at last."

"I- I don't know what you are talking about! How do you-" I say before he brought his gloved hand up to my face saying.

"You have no need to know,"

Before the lights went out and that's all I could remember. And that's how our story begins.

A/N: Ello all you wonderful bloke! I'm so glad you have found my fanfiction! And yes I know that some things will be changed BUT THAT'S THE WHOLE PONT OF A FANFIC!

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