Safty Is Just Out Of Reach (45)

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  You spent two weeks living with Hux and he wasin't bad at all living with. He respected privacy and was really sweet in the mornings.

  "(Y/N) I need you to fill out these forms," He handed you a data pad and of course they were about all kinds of things about the resistance.

  You read them over with things saying: what's the secret weapon? Who runs everything now that the General had been hurt? You shook your head and placed the pad back into the General's hands.

  "You know I'm not on your side, and that I'm being held here," Hux didin't say anything, he was just stunned that you wouldin't sign. So he just walked out the door, like nothing happened and he left you alone, again.

*                            *                                   *

  Hux was very displeased that you wouldin't give over the plans so esily, like he thought.

  Kylo Ren stopped him, "What about the plans? Has she answered anything?"

  Hux shook his head, "I was unable to get anything out of her. (Y/N) has a strong will,"

  Kylo crossed his arms, "It is up to you to crush the resistance with what she knows. You have twentie four hours before I take things into my own hands," What Ren ment, was he had to get the information the hard way and that would be probing your mind against your will.

  "You are not to hurt her Ren, you know of the agreement with leader Snoke-" He was stopped, Kylo was running out of patience. 

"I want that information, we are so close to winning this war. If I have to kill (Y/N) for our victory, I will." Hux frowned at what Kylo had to say, "That Jedi, living in your quarters is our enamy until we get that information. I'm starting to question where your loyalties lye general."

"My loyalties lye with the first order and they always been-"

"You know I was first choice for General, don't mess this up and you will keep your title," With that Kylo passed Hux, and bumped into his shoulder on the way out.

*                             *                                *

  When Hux came home he kissed your cheek and told you about his day like usual but then the subject of the information being handed over, unlike before he was pushing it a bit more this time.

  "Hux I'm sorry, But you know that I don't belong here," You crossed your arms, "Kylo is forcing me to live her to sign that stupid document, I know that if I don't sign it when I do he will kill me-"

Hux stopped you and put his hands on your shoulders, "That's not true. I won't let that happen," Hux's soft tone changed a bit, now a bit more forceful, "I really need you to work with me on this, the whole entire galaxy is counting on it,"

  You struggled him off, "Don't make me do something that you know I can't. My whole entire destiny counts on something entirely different, Hux!"

  Then again he pushed, "At least say you will join me? Just throw it all away for me (Y/N), I'm begging you!"

  You shook your head, "Don't you ever ask for me to do such things," With that you left out the door away from him.

  Hux knew that once twentie four hours passed and you didin't have chance fighting Ren.

  *Kylo's POV*

If she knows what's best for her then she would give the information up already!

  She has only a few more hours before I have to distroy her. I don't want to have to kill her, she is worth would much more.

*                           *                                * 

  You looked all around Hux's place for something that could help you, maybe a communicator, or something that you could use to send a signal to get help. 

"(Y/N)?" You jumped when you heard Hux's voice. "What are you doing?"

  You turned to him, "Nothing, but I won't lose this battle, Hux," He walked up To you and wrapped his arms around you.

  "You aren't losing anything. Ren won't kill you, just please hand in what ever information that you have so that we can be together," You ripped yourself out of his arms.

"Don't say that, I can be on what ever side I want. That shouldin't matter to you Hux!" You stepped away from him and he approached you slowly.

"(Y/N) relax I'm just trying to help you,"

  You shook your head, "Hux don't say that. I can help myself, I'm a grown woman," You looked at him with angry eyes. Hux stepped back from you,  just the look in your eye was something that would scare a child. "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!"

  You shouted and Hux flew into the wall with a simple wave of your hand. Your eyes quickly snapped back into what you have done, how the hell could you bring yourself to treat that man that way?! You felt something wash over you, it was like something you couldn't turn away. The feeling was wonderful, Hux was a rag doll in your hands and you took full advantage of it. 

  You smashed him into the wall on both sides, in anger until he was knocked out completely. Once you finally realised what you have done, you fell to the ground!

Stupid! Worthless! How could I do this?! 

  I looked all around the room but then I found what I was looking for all along. A communicator, just what I needed. I knew that blinking sound all too well but it was strapped to Hux. I couldn't care any less so I just ripped it off of his arm and changed it to the right numbers to get help! It was time to get out of here! 


*Kylo Ren's POV* 

   I felt the distubance in the force as soon as I left her alone with Hux. Now I know something is wrong, I can almost sense the darkness but then it was masked. 

"You're out of time (Y,N)," I smirked as I slipped my helmet on. Shes going to die by my hand. 

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