Brought To Safty (29)

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A/N: So I was gone on Vacation for  while and I decided to write a few chapters to make up for the time that I lost!

  Also Guess who's birthday just passed? August 5th!

- Chapter 29

  They asked me a million and one questions and I did my best to answer them all but one question I wasn't prepared for came up out of nowhere: 

"Where are you from? Any family or someone that cares about you in the galaxy?" Leia asked you and this would be a really hard question for you. Earth was where you were from but it was destroyed by a black whole and there was nothing you could do about it when you heard the news. 

"E- Earth," You spoke, bringing up all the past memories like when you first learned how to walk or when you graduated grade twelve. But one thing you missed above all was those who you cared about who died in the destruction of earth. "Everyone I knew died in the destruction of earth. I have no one," 

  "I'm sorry about that (Y,N)," She frowned at the thought of what you went through, "But do you know anything that may be proven useful to us? Like plans or anything that you have?" She asked you and you just pulled out the chip from BB-8 which was the map that you found. 

"This is all I have. I can say that BB-8 is still on base and no one is getting through the high tech security that is set up. Kylo was weird about showing me things that may be a threat to the first order and I wish that I could help you more but-" You were cut off. 

"No it's really alright (Y,N) just you being around here is just enough help we need." Then she started asking you questions about your special skills and what you could do to help them. But you didin't have a lightsaber, all you had was a few spare parts on you and you knew that you needed to arm yourself and as the truth be told you were very skilled with a lightsaber and Kylo didin't even need to teach you how to master it but to be safe with it.

  Leia assigned you a lot of work and you started to collect all these peices and you had to ,make a weapon to defend yourself at times and this thing that you made may save your life one day. It was a electro staff that you figured out how to make on your own and it was amazing and it would certainly do the job right. But you kept that to yourself and you always had your staff with you in case of something happening where everything goes to hell.

  But as you would settle in and have a place of your own and at lunch with everyone else. They didin't talk to you besides from Finn, Rey or Poe for that matter. Everyone else just passed you gocking glances like they knew that you were apprenticed to Kylo Ren.

  Rey would always support you and try to talk to anyone that she sees doing it since she is seen as a big shoot since she aided in the distruction of Star Killer base. But now no one knew what risk they are at since the First Order is only getting stronger and The Resistance is doing what they can to even survive.

  "(Y/N)," Finn snapped you out of a deep thoight. He never really talked to you but it seemed like he had to since Rey did. "I know the First Order like you do," He was a ex storm trooper and he always had to put up with Phasma's temper. "But I'm done running. I've found a place where I can be safe and now you must trust us,"

  You leaned forward in your chair, "Kylo Ren himself was my master and he tought me everything I know now about the force. I know that he will stop at nothing to hunt me down and kill me."

  Finn didin't have anything to say. It was horrible enough that even for a second you trusted Kylo and he took advantage of you. But the worst part was that you let him get away with it.

"So what do you guys do here for fun?" You asked crossing your arms, well, at least you started a coversation.

"Well, we train or we will train all day." Rey said smiling away like she always did. Her name suited her very well, since she really was a warm ray of sunshine.

"Yeah or we will get days off every once and a while. I'm telling you that you are going to love this place and you will fit in after the whole ex sith lord thing blows over," You didin't know what to think of Finn. It was clear that he loved Rey very much but then again they could just be friends but Finn was still very quiet every once and a while and he seemed very relaxed here. But he acts like he's seen everything just becuase he was a strom trooper. But you were apprenticed to Kylo Ren himself and you had it pretty hard there but at least you can both agree that the First Order was a bad place to be.

  "Well I'd better let you guys be. I'm going to go back to my room for a while, if you need me just call." Thank goodness that Rey could see through your mistakes and that she could forgive you and everything would be well again. But Kylo must have still either given up on finding you or he's just lying low until his attack!


  It felt good to finally be home and your room was a perfect size for you since you just got there and everything was just perfect for you to just relax and forget about everything.

  Your room was a creme color and everything acutely had color aside from the time that you had to share a room with Kylo Ren. It really was a nice change for sure.

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