Disturbance (37)

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Rey felt it. She knew that you were again in Kylo's possession and now only time will tell how long you have left.

She knew the feeling of being knocked out by Kylo and being carried away bridal style back to where ever he wants her. But know, Rey had no idea what she was going to do without (Y/N).

"You feel it too, don't you?" Leia asked Rey and she turned over to look at her.

Leia was some what a tuned with the force but not to the extent were she could be considered a Jedi. But she could feel ripples through the force when something was wrong. "Yes, they took (Y/N),"

Leia frowned, "If (Y/N) Is even a fraction of appart of the resistance like she proved several times then she will come home. I just know that she can bring him back where me and Han failed."

"If you're right, she may just die along the way." Rey thought about it.

"We will see,"


For the third time you woke up in that same stupid chair, but you recognized that same room. It was the one that you and Kylo shared.

Your eyes jolted all around the room, to at least find Kylo, so you could get the hell out of the chair. "Kylo Ren show yourself," You weren't about to play any games with this monster any longer.

He walked out of the shadows after observing you from a distance. He was silent as if you couldn't hear even the slightest sound indicating that he was alive in the first place.

"Say something damn it!" You shouted and he walked up closer to you that now the mask was only a few inches away from your face, "Kylo?" He still didin't say anything, but his hand couldin't resist but gently hold your chin. "Say something,"

It was like he was tonting you, playing some sick game with you and now it was game over. "So it really is true," That robotic voice of his pretaryed his feelings, "They have brain washed you as predicted,"

You snapped your head away from his fingers and you shouted: "You left me to die! You used me!" For all the things that Kylo has done to you; for the way he acted as if he mattered. "I would have died out there,"

"But you didin't," Then again you remembered the battle with him; the pain that he caused so meny people for one reason or another. But how he nearly killed you twice! "I knew how strong you were and you did pull through alive,"

"You're a monster!" You were behond angry, "Just leave me here to die,"

Kylo reached up to pull off his mask but you knew it would hurt too damn much to have to see his face; to feel his touch all over again.

You were in agony as if invisible pain took over your life.

His face hasn't changed a bit. His Lips parted slightly at seeing you without his mask at last, "You forget your place (Y/N)," Kylo failed at bringing you to the darkside as his apprentice, "You are still my student and you are to do as I say,"

You're fucking a attempts to change me back are doing shit Kylo! You thought.

"I heard that (Y/N)." His gloved hand cupped your cheek and he moved in close, "You are home, there is no reason to be acting this way (Y/N). Now we can finally be together,"

You scawled at him, "How fucking dare you?! There was never a us to begin with Kylo!" He frowned at what you had to say.

"T- Then," was the great Kylo Ren studdering? "What would you call us? I've tought you everything and we had something. Something that Hux can't even touch,"

You remembered the night when you thought he was going to kill you and then he kissed you. You remember the soft feeling of his lips and chest pressed up against you. It was tempting, being loved by death itself.

"Don't you remember my love?" You thought about how alive you felt when his hands would travel all over your body and- wait, he did the worst to you. HE IS ISN'T WORTH IT!

Then why the hell do I feel this way?!

"Tell me that you remember the time we had together (Y/N)," Kylo was so desperate to have you back.

"I- I remember. But- but that was a long time ago and I don't dwell on the past."

"Your thoughts betray you (Y/N). I know you have been dreaming about me for so long and you will continue to feel this way. Trust me I can help you, just I need to know that I can trust you,"

You pulled back, just trying to get away from this monster until he let go and said, "Do you want me to set you free (Y/N)? You can stay with me and have what ever you want. Just prove your loyalty to me,"

Your loyalty to Kylo Ren? We're you that crazy?! How could anyone live like this.

"W- what does the First Order want with me?" You asked him and he straightened up a bit.

"You are a Jedi now, aren't you?" It was obvious. You dressed like a traditional Jedi, aside from changing your outfit to fit you more. Like how the traditional color is usally brown, you changed it to black and grey in a low cut v- neck.

"Things have changed since the last time that he met face to face when someone isin't at the end of a blade." You thought for a second and at least tried to word your self better, "I have a different destiny then you think Kylo,"

He looked deep into your eyes, as if he was about to scold you for something or another, "Snoke wants you dead for your treachery, but," How badly did he want to touch you and hold you, "I convinced him otherwise,"

"You should have just let them kill me,"

Kylo hated hearing those words leave your mouth, "I'll let you stay here until you realise what I have done for you," With a flash Kylo was gone out of the room and you were left alone in the same room were you and Kylo used to share.

Oh how you wanted to kill him!

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