Tears Of A Jedi (32)

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A/N: So much has happened so far and I'm so thankful to have all these people in the fandom that stay tuned in my writing and cheer me on when I need it the most,

   Thank you!


    Rey jumped on the ship as fast as she could away from that monsters clutches and now she was safe. Every survivor was on the ship peacefully, but now there was nowhere left to go.

  You were knocked out completely. Your heart rate was slowed down completely and the droids had to knock you out just to preform imedatly surgery.

  Rey stated close to you heart broken; knowing that the both of you would be the last of the Jedi. That history was indeed repeating itself and who would teach you two? Kylo killed just about everyone and there's nothing left to do. The battle is lost.


   The droids tore at your chest and cleaned out what ever they could find that might infect you or cause more pain. They ended up finding out that the push was enough to split open your chest and your back was raked with scratches from the trees.

"We've done all we can. It seems that she was lucky that her guts didin't fall out during her fight," Rey was informed first. She was emotionally distroyed and she couldin't bear to lose another.

  "Thank you so much." Rey snapped out of it and then asked one of the most important questions she could asking: "Will she be okay?"

  The droid looked over to you and checked your heart rate and was amazed, "She seems completely fine. But she might need a few days rest since the fight took alot out of her," The droid said before giving you two a few minutes alone.

  Your eyes opened up fast. It seemed that your force sensitively has protected you this far in your life. All the cuts an scars and even the time you fell off a cliff that was several feet in the sky.

  You were almost imuned to pain, but not Kylo's infuence. He seemed to almost have complete control over you, besides from the fact that you have no idea how you feel about him.

"(Y/N) how are you feeling?" She asked you sitting beside from your bed.

"Like I lost a battle," It was true. You couldin't fight Kylo,but you did all you could to keep him from killing Luke.

"It's alright (Y/N) You are in good hands," She said.

"What are we going to do? Luke is dead along with the Jedi. How are we going to train?" Rey said all she could.

"I know about you and Ren. I know what happened and now you must forget him (Y/N) becuase he is going to use you to his advantage." She said dabbing a cloth on your forehead, "Luke lost everyone as well and there was a vilian rising as well. But we can't give up, and the only way we can win is killing Kylo Ren and the rest of the sith,"

  You couldin't. It didin't matter what he did but you still... You loved him, "We can't kill him. If we can turn him-" Rey shook her head saying:

  "That's impossible (Y/N) and you know it," She went on, "Kylo Ren is too far gone,"

  Kylo Ren is too far gone?

"That can't be true! He showed love before there has to be a way to bring him to the light, his mind is too weak," It was true. Kylo was easy to minipuate for some reason and now he was getting to you; tearing at your mind and making it harder for you to just get rid of him.

"Think about it (Y/N). I saw the way he looked at you and you looked at him. You love eachother and I know it," Your heart felt as if it broke becuase there was no way you and Kylo could be together.

  It hurt to hear those thoughts come out. It was true, you loved him but hated him. It made no sense and there was no way that you would throw everything away just to be with him. It was impossible.

  "Rey, there are some things that you don't understand. I appreciate that you care about me but I know that I cannot love him." You finally said.

  Rey's eyes widened, "I'm sorry (Y/N)," Just over the few months that you had been there she always seemed like a sister to you and now she's really all you had. "Just please get some rest and think about all of this," With that Rey left you and walked down the hall of the ship.

   Of course the ship was in the sky and everyone was finally safe. But, the death tolls were devistateing and now you were the last of the Jedi. You left Kylo far behind and now you will move on!


  You woke up about two or three days later, still sore and now at least you knew what you were up against. The child that you fought caired endless amounts of power and he was very strong for his age and that was for sure.

    As soon as you got up Rey greated you with Finn and Poe. "So what did I miss,"

  They all didin't look happy at all, "It's not that we aren't happy to see you (Y/N) it's just that you it's just well-" Rey didin't know how to break it to you.

"Its Leia. She's under alot of pain and Kylo slashed her across the chest. It's hard for her to breathe but, we are doing the best we can." Poe said, moving over so you could at least see into the room.

  You quickly pulled back and covered your mouth, "Good lord," Your heart felt as if it broke, now that you are on the other side and now that you see how things really are. Rey rested a hand on your shoulder.

"Come along (Y/N) We have alot to talk about," Rey just ment the two of you and now you had to leave Finn and Poe for a second.


  Rey took you in a privet room to talk for a second, "(Y/N) do you realise that since Leia is sick she won't be able to lead us for the time being," She said looking you in the eye.

"What do you mean?" You asked her and she crossed her arms.

"While she was awake for a short time she asked for either me or you to lead while she is recovering. And there is no way that I will be able to, leading isin't my thing," Wait she can't mean...

  "I just got here, why can't Finn or Poe do it? I mean they are more qualified for the job while I- I'm a ex sith lord," 

  "I know, but you are fully capable of taking on this task. Now please say that you will take the job,"


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