If Only My Scars Would Heal (41)

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A/N: So what do you think of the story? Is it alright?

- Chapter 41

  You knew that this kid was bad news. Kylo didin't even have to tell you. Just the way that that kid just spoke without thinking sounded as if he was mocking 24/7.

  After a while Kylo pulled you out of there after ordering the child to do something predictive like maybe training or meditating for a while. "You didin't replace me with this 'kid', did you?"

  Kylo hadn't thought of it that way, even though you had been gone for a long time. "No, don't think that way (Y/N)," He held onto your hands, "I thought you were alive, but after the ripple in the force a had felt as if you were gone. So I made the decision to fix my problem and do what I couldin't,"

  You pulled your hands away from his, "Don't," You warned him.

"What ever happened out there is history. You shouldin't hold grudges (Y/N)," You frowned at what he had to say and yet again you reminded yourself that you were prisoner of Kylo Ren and you are one of the last remaining Jedi in the galaxy.

  "You can think what ever you want Ren, but you cannot change my judgment for I am not as gullible and stupid as you are far falling for the darkside-" He warned you, keeping his voice low and Stern.

  "I'm warning you (Y/N). Don't use such disgusting words here,"

  Your face felt like it was burning. For all the years that he's kept you here and he was taking your life away and blinding you from your full potential. "You, kept me here for years and nearly distroyed my legacy! I know I can't be more then a dark side following peice of trash!"

  Just as quick as those words left your mouth, he grabbed his lightsaber and slashed your face so that you were OK the ground below him. Your face burned and you could feel the stinging sensation of the blade at was one in your cheek. Your scream filled the hall. The breath felt as if it was taken out of you.

  "That's a warning (Y/N). Do. Not. Disrespect. Me," His voice was like venom.

  You forced yourself to look up at him, "You worthless peice of trash! How dare you raise a hand to me," Your anger rose, "You cannot turn me, I'm a Jedi, Ren!" With nothing but your bare fists you lunged yourself at him and once again you were on the ground, bleeding.

  You had been slashed across your stomach this time, your pupils were full and the black floor was now slightly painted red. "I think you had enough punishment today (Y/N)." His blade retracted and you could feel your self slipping away. But you can't be dying! Not in the hands of Kylo Ren. But you didin't have the energy to fight him off.

  He stould right in front of you, before he bent over and looked down on you, "Wow, I'm impressed. You really think that I'm trash when you clearly can't take a couple lightsaber blows," His gloved hand touched your untouched cheek. "Completely marvelous how things have changed (Y/N). You're working for me now, and there's nothing you can do to safe yourself this time," You didin't have the energy to force his hand off of you. But, thankfully he moved away and walked out the door away from you.

I'm going to bleed out! Come back!

With that thought, you blacked out.


  Your bloody induced thoughts were terrifying. What was going to happen to the resistance?! What about Rey?! She needs you and you need to work together to defeat the darkside.

  But what was she going to say about you now? How you didin't even have a weapon and Kylo Ren practically distroyed you, without hardly doing anything... until...

  Your eyes snapped open and you saw Hux just above you, he clearly was in shock that you were still alive. "Oh (Y/N)," A rare sight made itself clear before you. Hux was smiling at how you were alive.

You tried to move, to at least get up but you couldin't. The reminder of your recent flash wound made itself known, by the ripping pain through your body. "Kylo... he did this to me-"

  Hux looked down upon you with sad eyes, "I know. I found you like this after he left you to die (Y/N)," There was a cloth covering your left eye.

"Hux something isin't right, what's going on? What happened to me?!" You could hardly remember the pain of his lightsaber slashing through your flesh like a knife but ten times stronger.

  "Well, Kylo did do a un speakible amount of damage to the left side of your face but- I really think you should know now," Hux grabbed you a small hand held mirror and you gasped when you saw it! There was a saber cut along your left cheek. It was still red from the fight but that's just how it's going to be before the heeling.

  "It's not that bad," It's true, Kylo said himself that he went 'easy' on you but that was hard enough to put you into a med Bay. 

"The doctors thought you wouldin't make it. But, you pulled through perfectly healthy,"

  They weren't going to make you stay with Ren, we're they?! You were staying in a room with him and you shared a bed without your consent but that's just the good old First Order Welcome. 

"Once you are alright to move, you can stay with me for a while if you'd like?" Hux was being so kind and he looked out for you, "I mean it's completely up to you and you can choose what you want to do,"

  You smiled a friendly smile and nodded, "I'd love to. But I must know, why do you care about me so much?"

"That's just what I do. And you know that I wanted to go out with you for a long time right?" You nodded, remembering when he asked you to dinner. But then, Kylo got all pissy and fucked you into thinking that he even thought about you. "Well, It's just what I should do for you, and I have more then enough space and maybe you could concider it a date,"

  You nodded, "It's a date then General."

He smiled again, "Good, I'm on room 311 on the fourth level. I will be available any time after six,"

  You nodded and the Ginger general left you alone to heal for a bit, since you did take quiet a beating.

  But as soon as your eyes came back into reality you saw Kylo leaning in the doorway. Dressed as usual, his face being covered by that black mask and black robes to go along with the style. He approached you, and yet again you were completely helpless and this time he could finish you off without even making a sound.

  You looked away from him and tried to ignore the monster before you, "(Y/N)," The voice said. Of course you just tried to tell him to go away and let you rest but he insisted, "No, I need to talk to you,"

  This time you finally moved over and met the same gaze with the masked man. "What did the General want?"

  You froze and didint know what to say. He would surly pull the same shit from last time if you told him why the General was really here, "General H- Hux was here becuase he wanted to check up on me since me and him get along so well,"

  Kylo crossed his arms, clearly unimpressed,  "Oh really? Tell me more, and don't let that mouth of yours fly becuase it will get you into trouble, like last time,"

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