New Challenges (3)

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- Chapter 3

*Third Person*

Kylo took you to a room that wasin't big or small for that matter. It was a perfect size for you to live in alone, and you had all the basic nezesities to live on this ship.

  From that point you kept your promise and trained with him and he showed you how to control your power and how to use it to serve you. But it was alot of hard work and he did get angry every now and again but not as much as he did last time where you thought he was going to kill you. But he was crazy and he would snapped more then a normal person at stupid stuff!

*Your POV* (Years pass)

Kylo promised me to complete my training but I just couldn't handle it anymore. He is crazy! Plus he always wants to hurt me before saying a smug comment like telling me how beautiful I am or how fast he could kill me. Just like that I knew I had to try and escape somehow. I just had to find a way out of here!

  But one day you marched into the training room and saw him almost looking as if he was in pain. His hands were on his head and he was hunched over a bit, but still standing up.

"Kylo? Are you alright?!"

*Kylo's POV*

  Who the hell does she think she is?! She can't just walk up to me and ask me as if I have human feelings?!

Kill her

(Y/N) shares the same power as me and I will do what ever I can to be the best teacher possible!

You're a killer Ren, you will never change!

  I finally snapped, "SHUT THE HELL UP!"

*Third Person POV*

  You've never seen Kylo like this. He's been crazy, but not like this?! "Kylo I'm sorry if I said anything,"

  He straightened up and said, "No It's fine (Y/N)-"

"But Kylo-" He stopped you saying:

"That's enough (Y/N)!" He waited for you to calm down before he could finally talk to you.

*Your POV*

  "(Y/N), I have tought you nearly everything I know but this," He comes over to me and finally says it. "You need to construct your very own Lightsaber to continue your training with me," He says as I knew that I had all of the tools neasisary to complete one.

"Yes Kylo," I say holding out my hand using the force pulling the peices towards me that I have chosen.

"Good, now do what I tought you. Feel the force flowing through you. It is what sorounds us; binds us and is our only aly,"

I felt that same buzzy feeling through out my body. First flowing through my hands then to my whole entire body as the pieces floated up into the air finally conecting as one.

"Your very life realize on the very power of your weapon. But how you chose to use it is another story."

Than I conected the last peice: the Ciber Crystal. The (F/C) crystal was one with my weapon clicking all together all at once.

"Well done, now spark it up," He says standing behind me.

I held the weapon and ignighted it. The (F/C) Saber woshed around the room for a bit until I felt as if I'm ready to begin the next lesson.

"Well done, I'm most impressed. Now it is time (Y/N) it is time that you complete your first task,"

"Anything," I say holding onto it before clipping my weapon onto my belt.

"I want you to go on a very important mission that could lead to death if you are not carful enough."


"I want you to lead a battalion to the resistance. Wipe them out, show no mercy and then the real traing for you will begin."

"Very well," I say before heading off.

A/N: Tanks for all the great feed back I love it! Also I really want to do a Anakin X Reader since there arnt very meny of those these days.

Happy reading - ReyxSolo

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