After Matter (19)

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A/n: sorry for the wait 😐😑 and yes I know I didin't update for a few months but it was for good reason! I had a bunch of other Kylo Ren stories that I had to finish! So please be patient! 


  - Chapter 19

  Over the next year or so Kylo and you were still sharing the same living space and It didin't seem to bother you anymore as you started to get used to his temper and how his mood would change drastically. But he was still upset about what happened the last year and how Star Killer was taking so damn long to be rebuilt. But this time they chose the smuggler's planet Tukunda to be their host.

  But some things didin't change, you still had work anr you would just try to stay out of Ky's way. But he became obsessed with finding the girl who scared his face like she did. But everything around you was changing so dramatically and without delay.

  But, one day in particular changed your every morning routine forever. "Hey (Y/N) would you come out and talk to me? It's about something really important," Ky called to you from the small kitchen that you both shared.

  "Yeah sure," You walked into the kitchen not expecting what was to come, "What is it?"

  He crossed his arms and took in a deep breath, "What ever you do don't think that I'm behind anything, becuase I'm just as oblivious as you," You nodded your head and waited for an answer, "I was informed that there was a black whole near our galaxy,"

  "And?" You had no idea what he was playing at.

"Earth was distroyed. There were no survivors, and we did all that we could but given the attack from last year our fighters are practically crippled," Your eyes watered up as a tear rolled down your eye you almost felt as if you couldin't show any weakness around Kylo.

  But to your supprise as soon as you started to break down and actually think about what happened he wrapped his arms around you as if to comfort you. And yet you didin't even fight back, you held back. His hands found your hair as he stroked the back of your head and hushing you, "It will be okay. I'm sorry about everyone you knew. But there's nothing I could have done and if I didin't save you from there then you would have died long ago," Your heart broke, it would have been better if you died with the ones that you love insted of living with evil breathing down your neck.

  You where just so shocked that he would touch you in this sort of manor, if not to make you feel better, "Everyone I know is dead. Please Kylo, tell me that you will watch out for me insted of working against me,"

  He didn't say anything for a second before saying: "Yes, anything,"

   He pulled back for a second and took off away from you to give you some space.

  Everyone is dead! How am I supposed to live like this?!

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