Who is Ben Solo? (6)

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The resistance wasn't bad at all. A few months seemed like forever since I knew I could handle myself, but the promise that his master is growing impatient worries me.

Leia only asked me to do a little bit of handy work around the place and I did what she asked only to stay on her good side, but somthing worried me more than other things; she seemed broken and sad and since I was next to the only organic being around here I thought to ask her.

"That's very kind of you to check up on me like that. You remind me alot of myself at your age."

"Yes um, but somthing isint right. You can tell me General Solo,"

She took in a deep sigh and sat down. "I haven't told a soul in years. I only pray that you wouldn't break this."

"No I swear. I want to help,"

She faked yet another smile.

"I lost my little boy," Her eyes teared up, and I knew her as a strong woman. She wouldn't let those tears escape.

"Tell me,"

"Ben, my son Ben." She sobbed. "He was tempted into the darkside, and we all payed the price for it."

"Ben?" I ask, the name was still unformillior about the name.

"I'm a bad parent!" She cred. "We all were so cought up with watching him growing up before we knew it we sufferd heavy loses. But the greatest lose was of his own..."

"I'm so sorry, who is this Ben?" I asked.

"The scum who calls himself Kylo Ren-" she stopped herself from saying anything more.

This all made sense now. I just met the man who imprisoned me's mother! Oh my god! What the hell do I say?!

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