Chapter 2

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Important! To first time readers: please understand that I am currently rewriting the first 5-10 chapters, if there is a weird place its because this book is undergoing some construction.  Please bare with me, I apologize for the inconvenience. 

Melle's POV

The closer I get to the bakery the stronger the scent becomes, and boy was my wolf getting excited!

As I open the door my eyes fall on the most gorgeous creature I've ever seen. She has pale complexion with freckles here and there. Her raven hair hangs in a long and thick braid down her back. Her eyes,the colour of bittersweet chocolate. Her mouth, framed perfectly with soft mauve lips.

"Mate!" My wolf howls with joy

Before I can stop him we're right in front of the counter, she looks surprised then she blushes and looks away.

"W-what c-can I get for you"

Oh that voice! It sounds like soft churned ice cream feels in your mouth only it is also full of warmth and caring.

"What do you suggest?"

"Umm t-the cinnamon rolls. their fresh out of the oven...I baked them myself." She blushes again and smiles shyly.

"I'll take as many as you have."

Her eye widened in surprise "But sir, there are at least twenty-five!"

I smirked "Good I have I big appetite."

As she move to fill my order, another wave of her scent washes over me. And it us then I notice something is off but I can't quite make it out.

As she puts the third roll in the box I realize what is is.....she is human!

Meoquamee's POV

As I move to fill his order I hear a low angry growl.

Whirling around I see only the handsome stranger. Now though his eyes appear to be glowing golden. As he is clenching his jaw with an expression of horror and disbelief.

the man mutters something under his breath but it's to faint for me to make out. Maybe I just imagined the growl after all it couldn't have been the

Suddenly he grabs the box and throws about forty bucks on the counter an stocks out.

(Man, the way he's acting you'd think I'd insulted his mother or something.)

"Wait, Sir this is to much money!"

After all there was only three cinnamon rolls in the box when he grabbed them

Melle's POV

"You idiot!!!" My wolf is screaming "Go back!!" But I ignore him.

How could fate be so cruel?! What had I ever done to deserve a human for a mate? Nothing not a single thing and yet I'm to be curse with one. No one, not even rogues deserve to be mates with humans! The lying, thieving, disgusting creatures!

I headed for the forest, anger and fear clouding my vision. Deep down I knew, I just knew my wolf was right, there was no way I could reject her no matter how much I hated her kind. I've been looking for to long, to give her up now.

I sank to the ground resting my head back against a tree. My wolf had stopped screaming now in fact he was ignoring me all together. telling me that if I rejected her he'd never speak to me again and wouldn't help me in times of trouble.

I sighed and got up maybe Truett would know what to do. We have after all been best friends ever since I can remember and most of the time I can't.

Walking back to the pack house, I tried talking to my wolf. Trying to get him to understand but true to his word, he refused to say one word. Although he did growl angrily every now and then

I knocked hard on the door to Truett's office.

"It's open"

"Hey, you busy"

"Nah what's up?"

"I uhh need some uhhh" this was proving harder than I thought. "Some advice" I mumbled the last part but I was sure he heared me.
He arched his eyebrow but says nothing. I shut the door and plop down in the spare chair.

"Well see I uhhh I found," I pause nervously, taking a small breath. "What I mean is, I think I found, that is well, my mate."

Truett's mouth dropped open

Taking a deep breath I continued this time I forced myself to speak slower.

"Only she's human, and now my wolf won't speak to me and is threatening to never allow me to shift again. And it may have to do with my saying something about hating her because she's human and I may have said I was going to reject her."

"You're going to what?! How long have you been searching , five years, you have been searching for five long years!! And you're going to reject her, because of someone else's prejudice against her race?! Are you that stupid?!"

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I'm sorry Melle, but I quite agree with your wolf on this matter."

I nod "so do I."

Startled he looks at me then smiled.

"Do I smell cinnamon rolls?"

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