Chapter 7

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(A/N Yay 300 views!)

I took special care this morning when I got dressed, I even wore a necklace and bracelet.

I arrived a few minutes latter than usual but Mr. Adams wasn't there yet so I wasn't too worried.

Every time the bell chimed my heart raced thinking it was Melle but so far it hasn't been him. I'm starting to think he isn't coming.


Oh please let it be him.

Melle's POV

Truett grins at me, "You're making progress."

"Yep, I knew she couldn't resist my charm to long."

He snorted "Who couldn't resist whose charm?"

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I roll my eyes while he just laughs.

"Do you think you could cover for me again today, my wolf is really missing her."

He nods before grinning teasingly "I bet he's not the only one missing her."

I punch him lighty in the arm "Whatever."

He fains shock as he gingerly rubs his arm. "Easy there, precious cargo you know "

"Yeah, well I think whoever shipped you the forgot which end was up, because you definitely have some cracks up there." I say knocking lightly on his head.


"See ya!" I race out before he can make a come back and head towards the bakery.

When the bakery is finally in sight I slow down slightly taking a deep breath filled with Meoquamee's scent.

As soon as I walk in, she rushes from the back when she sees me her face lights up with the most breathtaking smile I've ever seen.

"What can I get for you today sir?"

"Please call me Melle."

"Alright, Melle what can I get for you?"

Your phone number. "What would you suggest?"

She thinks for a moment before smiling again "Do you like sweet and sour things?"

I raise an eyebrow "Like Chinese food?"

She giggles, "No silly I mean like lemonade."

"Oh yeah lemon is one of my favorite flavors."

"Good then I have just the thing." She walks into the back but returns shortly carrying what looks like a cupcake.

"Here we are, my specialty individual lemon bars. Very convenient for travel."

Lemon bars how did she know they're my favorite.

"Thanks they look great!"

"Wait till you taste 'em their even better." She hands it to me gently, when our hands touch I can't help but smile contentedly at her, my beautiful mate.

"Our mate and I am not at all content and I won't be until I can make her mine."

"Ours and you have to let me handle this she's human, remember? She wouldn't understand."

He huffs before blocking me out.

"That will be two dollars please."

I hand her a five and she quickly returns my change.

"So I know this is sort of sudden but, umm would you like to you know go to dinner later?"

Meoquamee's POV

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