Chapter 12

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Bram retracted his claws but kept a firm hold on me turning me so I'm facing away from him.

"So this is the mutt whose stolen my girls heart."

"She is not your girl."

"Oh no and just how would you know hmmm?"

Melle growls lowly eyes flashing dangerously.

"Men like you don't deserve a woman like Meoquamee in fact you don't deserve any woman at all."

Bram laughs "Is that so then tell me, mutt why is it that Meoquamee willingly became mine, Huh?"

Melle looked ready to shift. "She was never and never will be yours."

"Fine, we'll let Meoquamee decide."

I looked back in shock at Bram who was smirking. Leaning in he whisper in my ear.

"Just remember you will always belong to me and I will always find you."

"I-I choose M-Melle."

Bram releases me shoving me towards Melle who catches me, gently pushes me behind him in a protective manner.

"I'll be seeing you soon beautiful."

Bram turns and walks away like nothing happened but Melle doesn't stop growling until he's out of sight.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. Thank you for coming I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been there."

He smiles gently stroking my cheek. "I'll always be there for you Amme remember that."

"So umm can I, can I ask you something?"


"Those two men who are sitting at the bus stop." He glances over and nods "Why did you have them follow me?"

He looks startled. "You know?"

"Well actually until a few minutes ago I thought they might be some Bram's men but the didn't jump you when you stopped him so they couldn't his which means they must be yours."

He sighed "Yes they are but you weren't supposed to know, I just wanted to make sure you were safe. A lot of good it did though they didn't even try to stop Bram."

"Don't be to hard they just didn't know he was dangerous."

Melle just sighed and pulled me into a tight embrace tucking his head into my neck and kissing it softly before pulling away. His blue gray eyes still had flakes of gold swimming in them but they no longer any anger in them. He gently played with a piece of my hair before saying the words no one ever wants to hear.

"We need to talk."

Kilala's POV

I didn't sleep well last night, my mind was whirling out of control, Bram, Melle, my mate, Meoquamee, and moving. It was too much too fast.

Bram was back and he was probably not going to let us or rather Amee go so easily this time.

Melle, why was he so interested with Meoquamee? She's human, he hates humans. She's "supposedly" mates with Bram, a rogue. He hates rogues.

And then there was my mate, my gorgeous mate, my strong mate, my wonderful mate, my perfect mate. Would he want me when he finds out who and what I am? I know he's still in Melle's pack because I could smell him on Amee. Could he smell me did he recognize my scent but then again how could he.

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