Chapter 23

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Meoquamee's POV

"Oh, no Melle isn't the one who enforces rank segregation, he doesn't know about it."

She frowns "What do you mean he doesn't know?"

"Before Elder Bodolf came it didn't matter but once he came he's completely changed things. Alpha Melle doesn't know because the Elder has kept both him and the Beta so busy, and isolated."

She shakes her head "That's terrible, why would he do that?"

"Well I think it has something to do with me...."

"What would it have to do with you?"

"Well the Elder wasn't exactly jumping for joy when he found out I'd been accepted into the pack. That's when everything changed so I'm assuming it's because of me."

I actually haven't the foggiest notion whether Melle enforcement rank segregation, but as much as I want Melle to myself I can't let her leave thinking Melle to be a cruel leader, it would harm his reputation as an Alpha and pack relations. And I can't let that happen to my pack.

Wait what am I saying, my pack this is not and can never be my pack. I am here simply to help Ki and escape Bram, as soon as it's safe and Kilala is finally reunited with her mate I'm out of here. Staying is not an option.

"Well then I'll just have to speak with Alpha Melle about this. Once he finds out what's going on he'll put an end to it." She smiles brightly as my heart sinks to my toes.

"No, you absolutely cannot tell him!"

"Why not?"

"Because the Elder is Me- Alpha's father and knowing it would only hurt him. And besides Elder Bodolf will be gone in a few weeks and everything will be back to normal."

She sighs slumping in defeat before sitting up and smirking, crossing her arms over her chest. "Fine, but only if you let me help you do your work."

My chin drops "You can't you need to spend time Alpha Melle, how else will you get to know each other?"

"Oh, please. That's not going to work girlfriend, I tell Alpha Melle or help you, your choice."

Dang she's got me and she knows it.

"Fine, but I'm not happy about this."

She grins "I know, and I don't care." She shrugs and loops her arm in mine.

"Lead the way Misty."

I raise an eyebrow "Misty, where did that come from?"

She grins "Well I have to call you something and you still haven't told me your name so I decided Misty would be easier to call you mystery."

I grin. "Misty it is then."

She frowns "You mean you really aren't going to tell me your name?"

"Nope." I say popping the p as I pull her out the door laughing.

After about ten minutes we're both covered in cake batter as is the floor and part of the counter.

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault!" she sobs

I pat her back in a way I hope is comforting. "Shh it's alright I'll clean it up, don't worry."

"I didn't mean to I'm such a klutz!"

"No you're not, it was an accident I know you didn't mean to."

She keeps on crying, "That's what he'd always say."

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