Chapter 14

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Meoquamee's POV

It was dark by the time I had dropped off Kilala and pulled up at the bakery. I couldn't shake the nervousness that clung to me like a leech, draining me of all my courage, and leaving me dreading what was to come.

Thankfully Melle had thought to lock up after my uhmmm shall we say moment. Unlocking the door I entered before re-locking it. Call me paranoid if you like but there was no way I was going to set here with an unlocked door, after my run in with Bram earlier.

Thankfully I didn't have to wait long, as Melle arrived not five minutes later. Unlocking the door I let him in before leading him to the kitchen, where I started a pot of coffee. We were silent for a while until the coffeemaker dinged signaling the coffee was finished percolating. Pouring us both a cup of coffee, I sat down.

Taking a sip from my cup I could feel his gaze on me waiting for the explanation I owed him.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have ran out like I did."

"No you shouldn't have."

"And I know you probably want an expansion."

"Yes I do."

"Okay here it is, I panicked, I thought well...." I trailed off unsure how to continue.

"Go on."

"I thought your pack might be like the rogues, since you hate humans it figures you're pack would too sooo I just, I got scared."

I feel ashamed and look down at my entwined fingers. Oh look there's a knuckle, how interesting.

"Who said I hate humans?"

"Your reputation is known to many."

Glancing up I see him starring into his cup with what appears to be.... shame? No that couldn't be, it must be something else.

"I don't hate humans. I'm dating one aren't I?"

I bite my lip and nodded, he had a point but still, old habits die hard.

"If... if you're still offering then yes... I will move in."

"That was never your decision."

My mouth gaped open and my eyes widened


"I said, it never was your decision."

"Bu-but you ask me."

He shrugs and folds his arms across his chest, with a smirk.

"True but I'd already decided after today's incident you would be safer with me."

"Do you know what kind of a jerk you sound like? Because you sound like a really, really big one!" Yep, I definitely need to learn some better insults.

He quirks an eyebrow, as his smirk grows. "Go big or go home, right?"

I huff and roll my eyes "Whatever."

We lapse into a comfortable silence for a while. I've never really done this before I mean yes, I have drank coffee and yes I have talked to people but somehow this feels different, it feels so.... right, like this is what I should be doing everyday. Strange, but in a good way.

"So... do you need to pack up."

"No, I have my bags in the car."

"Oh, okay we can leave whenever you want but there are somethings we have to do before you can move in."

"Like what?"

"Well there's the blood sharing ceremony and then you have to swear your loyalty to me as your Alpha."

"But I'm not a wolf."

"Yes but by living in the pack house you join the pack so, yeah."

"Oh. What's the blood sharing ceremony?"

"Well we each cut our palms, and than we put the wounds together."

"Eww! That's just gross."

"What, scared of a little blood?"

I shake my head no he makes an "oh, really" face, I just rolled my eyes.

"Don't you find it gross, to touch someone else's blood? Haven't you ever read about all the dieses that you can catch that way?"

"Not really, and besides werewolves can't catch human diseases, so I don't have to worry about things like that."

"Well I do."

"So... you won't do it?"

"I will but I won't like it. In fact I may just puke afterwards."

He chuckles shaking his head slightly. God he's laugh does things to my head, not that I'd ever admit it to anyone though.

Finally we start off, heading for the pack house. We just finished the blood sharing and I pledge my loyalty to him excepting him as my Alpha and him excepting me into the pack, right after we finished I got a splitting headache. So Melle drove me back and had one of his men bring my car.

By the time we arrived I was seeing double and there were little flottting spots everywhere. I can tell Melle is worried and to be honest so am I. This kind of thing has never happened to me before.

Melle helped me into my new room and droped my bags on a chair before helping me over to the bed, he left but returned shortly with some aspirin and a glass of water to ease my headache, no scratch that, migraine.

After a while the medicine started to kick in and I drifted off but not before shooing Melle out and locking the door behind him, and boy was that a chore! I don't think I've ever met such a stubborn, hard headed man in all my life. Seriously the way he acted one would assume I was knocking on deaths door.

All night I tossed and turned, my sleep was troubled, and I kept hearing strange voices but I couldn't make out what they were saying. After a while they stopped except for the occasional whispers.

Then came the nightmares the horrid nightmares or rather memories from the past that I know I'll never be free from. Sometimes I fear, Bram to be right. I'll never escape, he'll always find me even if it's in the form of my nightmares, he's always there, always mocking me. Haunting, and torturing me.

Morning couldn't come soon enough in my opinion. After a quick glance in the mirror I grimaced before hoping in the tub for a nice hot shower. After some digging around in my bags, I found a some old comfortable clothes. Finally dressed I felt much better, until my headache started up again. This time however, it was nothing compared to last night which was a relief. As if on que the murmuring voices started up again.

It's official, I've lost my marbles, gone bonkers jumped off the deep end. I'm nuttier than a fruit cake, insane, mental. I don't know how else I can put it, in short as my mother used to say and I quote "There is a fine line between a genius and a mad man." Well unfortunately I think I just crossed the line, because I'm pretty sure I passed the sigh for coocoovile a few miles back.

The voices started becoming clearer until I could piece together a few words that almost made sentences, that almost made sense.

"I heard he already excepted.... human"

"....Probably.... Omega....."

"Bet.... doesn't.... survive."

"Weak hu...."

"I heard... hot... woman.... I'm have gonna.... fun..."

"What.... name"

"I think.... Meoquamee."

Oh, sweet Bessie! The voices are talking about me! What have I gotten myself into this time?!

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