Chapter 21

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Melle's POV

I can't believe how long it's been since I was able to talk to my mate. I can't sleep at night unless her scent is in my room I can't eat unless I'm in the pack house where I know she'll serve me with food she's made herself.

She's still blocking me out and no matter how hard I push her walls don't budge. I've tried to talk to her during meals but my father is always there, always shunning her back to the kitchen, away from me.

I'm about to go crazy! Stupid mate bond. If only my mate wasn't human, I could have already introduced her officially as my mate and Luna then I wouldn't have to put up with any of this.

Maybe I should mate with this Luna, I'd have a bigger pack, an actual werewolf Luna and I could still have Meoquamee, of course no one would know she was my actual mate.... what am I thinking I could never do that, no matter what Amee is and always will be the only woman for me!

My back hurts, stings actually probably some stupid mosquitoes. In case you haven't already noted, I'm in a very bad mood. Gawh, I need my mate, maybe I should go to her room. My fathers probably already in bed so there's no harm in it right?

Besides as Alpha have the right order her to tell me why she's been ignoring me, who am I kidding, I need to know why she is blocking me out, it's killing me!

I feel like some sort of spy sneaking down the stairs, I even found my self humming the mission impossible theme song in my head. Yes I know I'm a complete dork and I probably as stealthy as an elephant in a tutu but who cares.

Anyways I've finally made it to the Omega wing, just a little further and I'll be at her door. I swallow hoping she hasn't locked her door because breaking her door down again would just be wrong. I reach out and take a hold of the handle and twist, it swings open with ease.

Only problem, she isn't here. I groan, why didn't I think to make sure her scent was strongest here before I came? I mentally smacked myself, as my wolf laughs hysterically. I take I deep breath trying to pin point where her scent is the strongest.

The kitchen, of course she must still be working on tomorrow's feast. I start walking but it soon turns to a jog as I near the kitchen and my beautiful mate.

Meoquamee's POV

I groan softly as I reach up for the baking powder, my back protesting every move I make.

Hurried footsteps sound and the door swings open, Melle! I know his scent anywhere, I know it's weird but ever since the first time he came into the bread box I could identify his scent. I'm not sure why, it's not like I should be able to, I'm not were after all, but then again I shouldn't be able to mind link either, but I can so I guess in this case rules are ment to be broken.

I know I'm being disrespectful but my pride refuses to let me turn and bow, so instead I just continue on as if he isn't here. For a minute he just stands near the door the he walks over and wraps his arms around my waist resting his chin on my shoulder. I try not to wince as my back is pressed into his chest.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" He whispers in my ear causing me to shiver. I struggle to get out of his hold ignoring my backs protests, but he won't let me go only holding me tighter.

"You haven't answered me."

"I've been busy."

"We can talk while you work."

"I can't work with you holding me like this."

"Do I make you loose focus?" I can hear his smirk

"No I just can't move."

He mumbles something before letting me go. For some reason I feel strangely lonely and empty without his arms around me, but I push the feeling away, and continue on with my baking.

"So that's the reason you've been ignoring me? Because I was getting worried."

"Why would you be worried?"

"Because you're my girlfriend."

"About that, I think we should break up." Saying it hurts more than I thought it would but I refuse to show it.

"What?! Why?!"

"I feel that for the time being anyways, it would be best."

"That's not a good enough reason."

"Think about it Melle, you have a guest coming, and whether she means to or not she will be taking up a lot of your time plus your father would probably kill us both if he finds out. And I'll be really busy for the next few weeks what with all the extra cleaning, cooking and baking. Not to mention all the work that will need to be done once they leave."

"That doesn't mean we should break up, we could just put it on hold."

"No, Melle we both deserve better than an on hold relationship."

"Who is he? I'll rip his heart out and shove it down his throat." He growls

"To whom are you referring? And why would you do such horrible things to him?"

"Who ever you're leaving me for, he deserves worse!"

"I'm not doing this to be with anyone I simply think it would be better for us if we had a little space for awhile."

"Fine you want to break up, go ahead but you will no longer receive any special treatments. You want to be just another member of the pack so be it. Good night, Omega." He storms angrily out of of the kitchen.

I didn't think anything could hurt as much as breaking up just did, not even when Melle admitted his real motives for asking me out and accepting me into the pack hurt this bad.

I can't breath and my head is spinning I sit down on the floor leaning my back against the cool metal of the refrigerator. What did he mean special treatment? And why do I feel like I just made things a whole lot worse?

Darkness slowly over powers me and soon I'm plunged into unconsciousness.

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