Chapter 20

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Meoquamee's POV

It's been six days now and all that's being talked about is the guest that's coming to visit for a few weeks. That's a bunch of baloney and everyone knows it, Freda had stopped blocking me out so I could hear some of the gossip going around.

It was common knowledge the 'guest' was a Luna who had lost her mate and was hoping Melle would mate with her, combining the two packs.

I had also found out from Freda that the man from earlier was Melle's Father, Bodolf. An Elder, which is indeed a higher rank than Alpha.

Unfortunately for me he was staying on as long as the visiting Luna, which ment that for a while anyways I was going to be reliving the nightmare I'd lived through with the rogues, well except for the mind linking, I certainly didn't have that when I was with the rogues.

I have been blocking Melle out which is incredibly hard, it's not that I can't because I can it's just I don't want to. He may have been using me, but me being my stupid self wants to forgive and forget hoping he will eventually like me. I know hoping he could ever love me is to much so I settled for like, because I know he would never be seriously attracted to something as disgusting as I am.

Sighing I shake my head to clear it of the depressing thoughts that are currently eating away at my heart. Tomorrow the Luna will arrive meaning I've got a lot of work to do before then.

Pur Elder Bodolf's instructions I was currently cleaning the room beside Melle's. I was to and I quote "make it worthy to house someone of her rank and importance." I had never meet the woman and I already wanted to slap her silly. She had no right to be so close to Melle, he was mine!

Does that make me a jealous and totally obsessed creep? Probably. Do I care? Not in the least. Yes, I know he isn't really mine and I have no real claim on him but that didn't change the possessiveness that keeps on creeping up.

During meals if I saw a female getting to close to him I wanted to haul off and smack her one. Thankfully I can control myself pretty well, how you may ask and the answer is simple really, I take note of who they are then later I 'accidentally' spill things on them anything, food, beverage, utensils you name it. Of course this brought punishment from Delta James but it was worth it as far as I am concerned.

Melle, thankfully was ignorant of my punishments. I knew he would never stand for it, even if he was just using me he had made it very clear to me he didn't want any harm to come to me.

I despite my jealousy towards the Luna I do realize she hasn't done anything to deserve it. It isn't her fault that Melle's father wants him to fall in love, marry someone, to have an Alpha heir and to lead a large, strong pack just as every Alpha's parents do.

And it must be hard for her to after all she did lose her soul mate and now had to run a pack by herself no matter how heartbroken she was. And so with that thought in mind I fixed her room up as best as I could, promising myself no matter how much it hurt I would not in anyway get back at her like I did with the others, she didn't deserve it and I knew she probably didn't want to mate with Melle anymore than I wanted her to, after all as my Grandmother used to say, "once you've had the best you won't want the rest."

She would always be in love with her mate, and being with anyone else would just feel wrong. Well at least that's what Freda had told me, and I trust her insight when it comes to mates since, besides Ki, she's the only person I know who has a mate. And unlike Ki, she is already marked and mated, with a child.

I've done room in softer, more neutral colors, since I didn't know what her favorite colors are but I do hope she likes my choice. Anyways now that I'm done I better hurry and start on tomorrow's feast, which we are hosting to celebrate the Luna's arrival.

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