Chapter 28

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"Alright what did you need to talk to me about?"

"Is it safe to speak here?" Alpha Darek looks around nervously

"I guess?" Why wouldn't it be?

He sighs, nodding "A few weeks ago my pack, the Harvest Moon pack, was attacked."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

He nods before continuing. "We were attacked by rogues."

I beginning have a bad feeling about this...

"Many of my pack members were slaughtered most were women and children."

"That's terrible!"

He nods "Especially since I being, Alpha, should have been able to prevent it from happening."

He takes a deep breath before continuing. "The attack wasn't random, it was carried out for a special purpose."

Please don't say it...

"They were looking for the leader's mate whom to my understanding ran off with an Alpha."

He said it.

I force myself to make eye contact "Who would run from the one person who completes you?"

"That's what I want to know, I have two weeks to find her before they attack again. If she isn't there, there will be no survivors." I see tears gleasining in his eyes

I swallow hard trying to contain the guilt and panic raising inside me. "Have you ask other Alphas for help"

"No they said if I did they would attack instantly." A lone tear runs down his cheek

"With all do respect I'm a little confused as to why you're telling me this, I'm not an Alpha I have no power to help you."

He looks down and several minutes pass before he finally looks up, desperation shining in his eyes. "I know you aren't an Alpha but you are the only new human member of any of the surrounding packs."

"I don't understand. What does that have to do with the rogues who attacked you?"

"His mate is human."

"Really? That's interesting are human mates common?"

"Somewhat." He looks down at his hands.

"Allow me towish you luck in your search."

"I've already found her."

I give a forced smile "Well in that case you have nothing to worry about, now do you?"

"Why did you run away from him? You said yourself your mate is the only one who can complete you" His voice is barely a whisper yet it hits me with the strength of a thousand knives. How can someone who hurts you so much, be your soul mate? It isn't fair!

"If you would just go back... you could save us."

I gulp "I think you have the wrong person" My voice is hoarse and my throat tight, my eyes are burning with unshed tears, and my heart is slamming into my ribs so hard I'm sure they're going to break.

For a few minutes we sit in silence before he stands, walking over to where I lean, clutching the door frame for support.

"Just think about it... please."

And with that he walks passed me and disappeared down the hallway. I shut the door, locking it before sinking down to the ground and leaning my head back against it. I felt the tears flowing down my face but I didn't bother wiping them away.

I would have to go back, I couldn't let Bram wipe out Darek's pack. It would be selfish of me to stay here in relative safety whilst others were being slaughtered because of me. The thought of leaving made me sick but what else can I do?

Standing I started to pack my things, finally finished I sat down to write Melle a farewell letter, after several tries I finally came up with something I considered descent enough.

My dearest, Melle

I know I should have said goodbye to your face but please understand it would be to painful for me.
I know you will probably be angry I've left but I do hope one day you will find it in your heart to forgive me.
Know, that I really did care for you and it killed me when we broke up, I do want to get back together but as I must leave that has become impossible.
I can't say why but trust me when I say my departure was absolutely necessary, if it were not I would still be here with you.
I have something I must tell you, though I fear you will not listen. James is not who he appears to be, watch him closely if you value your pack's welfare.

With all my love and greatest regret,


Sealing it with a kiss, I laid it gently on my pillow. One thing I find strange about this is, why would Bram have gone to the trouble of attacking Harvest Moon? Why not just attack here, or better yet just kidnapped me? It wasn't his syle something is defiantly wrong. I don't spend much time questioning it though before masking my scent and crawling out the window.

My first step is to find Ki and explain everything. Then I'll go to Darek and ask him to take me to Bram. Without looking back I ran into the forest.

Third person POV

A shadowy figure crouched, hidden in the forest, watching Meoquamee as she ran passed. It grins wickedly thinking about how sweet revenge is going to taste, hearing her pleas for mercy and seeing the life drains slowly from her eyes.

"That's right little Amee go play the selfless heroine like you always do." The figure chuckles darkly. "I'm going to make you pay for stealing my mate. You and everyone you love."

Hello fellow inhabitants of earth,

Guess whooooo

I thought it might be fun to see if anyone can guess who the shadowy figure is, so I decided I'd make it a bit of a race. The first person to guess correctly will get to put a name in the book. It can be your name or just a name you like. Good luck!

Hint: the shadowy figure's mate has already been introduced, as has the shadowy figure.

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