Chapter 32

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Melle's POV

I can't help but stare at her, she's changed. Her once long hair in now cut short. She's gained weight making her seem less like a skeleton and more like a fragile doll, her skin has lost it's sickly paler and now glows healthily.

The girl raises her head and mets my gaze, her emotions, swirling ferociously. Love for her mate, anger (which I'm sure is directed towards me) and worry.

"Welcome to the pack, and may I congratulate you two on finding each."

"Thank you, Alpha." Her tone is clipped the title forced, but Truett seems to preoccupied to notice.

"I'm sorry if Melle seems a little cranky, the Luna's gone missing and well you can imagine how that's affecting him."

"The Luna? You're mated?" She narrows her eyes at me in an accusing way

"Not yet, but I have found her."

An angry growl sounds as she lounges at me, only to be held back by a confused Truett.

"You monster! How could you? How could you do that to her?! You don't deserve her, you mutt! She loved you, she trusted you! I hope you know that."

"What are you talking about, love?"

"Let me go, I'll scratch his eyes out! I'll shred him up like lettuce."

"You can't just attack an Alpha for no reason, Love. Especially when his mate is missing!"

"His mate?! What do I care about that hussie?! What about my best friend, huh? What about my unbiological sister? We're her only hope and all you can think of is this door nob's mate!?"

I can see she's fighting hard not to shift, probably afraid of how Truett will feel knowing his mate is a werecat, a disgrace to her family and this pack, but her pathetic attempts don't effect me. As soon as the insult leaves her mouth I feel myself losing control. No one insults my mate. Ever. Before I can attack though my father takes a hold of me making it impossible to do anything but glare at the frantic feline.

Tears start to flow down the girls cheeks and she sniffs loudly. "Amee is going to die if we don't help her and all you people can think about is-"

"Amee! Did you say Amee, as in Meoquamee?!"

"Yes I said Amee you nitwit! Weren't you even listening?"

"Rather I was listening to you or not isn't the point here, the point is do you know where Amee is?"

She eyes me suspiciously before slowly nodding. "I have an idea, but why would you care?"

"Because Meoquamee is my mate!"

Her eyes grow wide with understanding as she face palms "Of course, how stupid could I be? It all makes sense now! Oh Alpha Melle I'm so sorry for what I said."

I nod but don't forgive her, and I won't not until I have my beautiful mate by my side. "You said you thought you knew where Amee is?"

"I think Bram has her." A growl escapes my lips, of course it would have something to do with that disgusting creature. "He attacked and threatened one of the neighboring packs, that's why Amee left she was trying to save them from being destroyed."

"Why didn't they tell me?! I could have helped them!"

"They said if the pack tried to contact anyone other than Amee, they would wipe them out. They were scared and they didn't know any better."

"Why didn't Amee tell me?"

"That I don't know, you'll have to ask her yourself when we find her."

My wolf finally seems to have awaken from his depression and now howls for vengeance (which might I add is giving me a splitting headache)

"Why didn't you tell her?"

"Tell her what?"

"About you two being mates. You did know Bram has been trying to get her to accept him as her mate for years, right?"

I growl angrily "He's. Not. Her. Mate. I am!"

"I know that and you know that, he probably even knows that but Meoquamee doesn't."


She raises an eyebrow giving me an "Are you stupid or something" look "So, she might accept him if he threatens her with something she holds dear enough or someone."

"Like me?"


"How do we find him? His scent is always mask."

"His scent is but Janie's isn't and she's dating one of his men so she could lead us to them."

"From the way Amee talked I wouldn't think she would be to eager to help us."

She nods thoughtfully "We might have to make her, some how...."

"You mean torture her?"

"No of course not, don't be ridiculous! I was speaking of bribery, trickery and deceit, dummy. But torture would probably work too."

"And if that doesn't work?"

"We go for Mr. Adams."

"Her old boss?"

She nods "We learned he was working for Bram, keeping tabs on Amee."

"I knew there was a reason I didn't like that guy."

She nods her head in agreement before stiffening, and inhaling deeply.

"James." Her voice drips with venom as she searches the room with her eyes, finally coming to rest on the closed door to the dinning room.

"I'll nurture that mutt." She hisses before stocking over and pushing the door open so hard it bangs against the wall and bounces back to her hand.

"James, get your butt out here now!"

Slowly James walks into view, visibly gulping when he sees the three of us standing there watching them.

"Hi Kilala, it's been a while." Though he doesn't stutter his voice does tremble slightly.

"Why are you here?!"

"He's my Delta."

She narrows her eyes slowly turning towards me "He's your Delta?! Do you know who he is?!"

"My Delta?"

"He's Bram's brother! Forget about Janie and Adams he's probably the one who planned the whole thing." She points her finger accusingly at James.

I growl angrily at the betrayal of the man I had once considered a close friend and confidant. Amee had recognised him she had even tried to tell me, but I had been to caught up in myself to listen.

"Look I know you aren't going to believe me but I had nothing to do with this and neither did Bram."

"You're lying!"

"No honestly I'm not. I won't lie I did hurt her but once I figured out she was your mate Melle I refused to help my brother get her back, even made him promise to leave her alone and he has never broken a promise to me. Ever."

I walk over and punch him causing him to double over coughing and gasping for air. "You knew she was my mate, your Luna and you still had the gull to hurt her! I should just end you now, and I would if it wasn't for my needing answers."

"I swear to you on the moon neither my brother nor I had anything to do with her leaving, but I think I know who."


"Bram's real mate... Janie."

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