Chapter 9

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(A/N picture of Janie a.k.a the hostess)

"Juthegust greathegate, whathegut athagam aytheguy suthegapothes totheg telthegel hethagem nowthegow" she mutters under her breath (A/N "Just great, what am I suppose to tell him now")

"What would you like to order?" I try to change the subject but she just tightens her grip which is already crushing the menu.

"Look we can go some where else if you want."

She sighs finally realising the poor menu which looks like it has served it's last customer.

"Look I do really like it here it just..." she trials off her eyes roam over the room and she shudders slightly. "It just holds some unpleasant memories and some people I'm really not ready to face right now." She looks down at her hands which are now are now clasp tightly in her lap.

"Hey, no worries where do you want to go?"

"Anywhere is good with me"

"Anywhere?...." my perverted wolf ask with a smirk

"Shut it wolf boy!" He huffs but doesn't reply.

"Melle? Are you okay you kinda spaced out there for a minute."

"Oh umm yeah just trying to think of somewhere else to go."

"How about McDonald's it's right down the street."

"I have something planned but if you want McDonald's that's fine too." She frowns "How can you have something planned you just told me you were trying to think of somewhere else to go?"

"Call it my plan B." I shrug and see the faintest of smiles grace her lips "Well then plan B it is."

As we stand to leave the woman from earlier comes rushing over, panic evident on her face.

"Oh, Amee you've gotta hide he's here and I think he might have picked up your-"

"Come on!" Meoquamee grabs my arm before the woman can finish and drags me throught the dinning room, kitchen and finally out the back door.

She doesn't stop pulling me until we reach the car I unlock it quickly knowing now is not the right time to demand answers which I now fully intend on doing.

As we drive out of the parking lot I look in the rear view mirror and see a man running out the backdoor furry etched in his face as we speed away a bone chilling howl sounds behind us, I glance over to see my beautiful mate with her arms wrapped around her tightly with silent tears flowing down her cheeks.

I don't stop until we reach my house because after tonight she's not leaving my side, ever. Who was that man I'm sure he's were, why was he chasing us, and why was Amee so afraid of him? I need answers but I don't think she's ready to me yet.

As I cut the motor she finally opens her eyes, they immediately widen with shock and then fear.

"W-where are we?"

"My house."


"We'll be safe here."

"I want to go back to my house I've got somethings I need to do."

"You can do them later."

"No I will do them now even if I have to walk back."

"You. Are. Not. Leaving." Perhaps I was just a little to harsh as next thing I know she's sobbing uncontrollably mumbling about hard work and she should have listening.

I hurry over to her side and pick her up to carry her inside which is no easy task considering the fact she is fighting me like a crazy woman. She doesn't calm down until I finally manage to grab her, I hold her close to me ignoring her protest after a few minutes of me holding her and stroking her hair whispering calming words she finally gives up and just lets me, she doesn't fight me as I carry her inside she doesn't even raise her head as we walk past some of my, or rather our pack members, when I finally set her down she just sits there staring at me.

Meoquamee's POV

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Well I though we'd be safe here and you could explain somethings to me."

I did have some explaining to do but could I trust him? He hadn't taken me to the cells and I could tell by the smell of it, we're currently in his room, but even so Ki's Warning and my own experiences are still in the front of my mind.

Maybe I could if I just left out some parts after all he did save me and if he knows then he'll let me go and Kilala and I can run before they find us now that they know we're here, we can't stay.

"This could take a while."

"I have time."

I sigh, Well here we go, down ole memory lane.

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