Chapter 16

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Meoquamee's POV

The morning went by quickly, before lunch I had learned how to block out certain pack members at a time as well as all at a time. I however couldn't seem to link anyone except Melle, but that could be because everyone except Melle had their walls build up, except for Truett that is but he was busy training the warriors and I didn't feel right bothering him just for practice.

Melle had explained my rank in the pack was Omega because I was human. I would have to work daily, starting by cooking breakfast then cleaning, fix lunch then more cleaning, make dinner and then finally come evening I would be free to do as I please.

I didn't really mind the fact I would have so much work to do. It would help to distract me from my worries and the thought of betraying Melle by helping Ki and her mate. Besides I had done practically the same thing for Bram, so it was something I was already accustomed to even if I hadn't done it for awhile I knew I could.

"Meoquamee please come to my office, immediately."

"Yes Alpha."

What could Melle want now he had literally just left me, sighing I made my way through the confusing maze otherwise known as the pack house until I found his office. I knocked lightly not wanting to hurt his ears and waited.

"Come in."

I opened the door and walked in bowing my head with respect when I noticed Truett in the corner, since Melle had instructed if there were others present I must show him the respect due to an Alpha.

"Meoquamee I would like to introduce you to the Beta and Delta." He gestures to Truett. "This is Beta Truett, whom you have already met." Truett nods with a smile. "And this is Delta James." I look up and am immediately caught by an all to familiar face.

I stumble back with a sharp intake of breath, it couldn't be... could it? But then again there he is standing in front of me with narrowed eyes daring me.


My eyes snap to Melle who has a worried look on his face.

"Are you alright?"

I swallow hard, "Y-yes A-alpha, I was just startled because I didn't realize that D-delta J-James was so close."

He doesn't look convinced but doesn't press any further.

"M-may I be excused now, Alpha?"

He frowns but agrees. Turning, I all but run out of his office, not stopping until I've reached my room.

Shutting the door I take several calming breathes before stepping away, and continuing to unpack.

Kilala, she would know what to do I need to talk to her, but I can't let anyone know, that would endanger Ki. I'll have to mask my scent, thankfully that won't be a problem considering I brought everything I'd need with me just in case the pack house didn't have the right herbs.

Heading to the bathroom where I had hidden my stash I pulled out all the necessary herbs mixing them in a glass of water and drinking it in one long breath. Gasping I pulled out the lotion I had made before coming here, to cover any remaining traces of my scent.

Finally ready I climb out my bedroom window, checking to make sure no ones around before sprinting towards the forest. After running awhile I stop to catch my breath. A twig snaps behind me and I whirl around to come face to face with the Delta.

"Well, well, well, what are you doing so far from home?"

"This is my home."

"Funny, but I don't seem to recall you being a werewolf."

"I'm not, but I am apart of this pack."

"Yes you are. An Omega, if I recall and I am the Delta. That means I outrank you. Funny I seem to remember always out ranking you."

I feel my anger growing but refuse to give him the satisfaction of lashing out, which would lead to punishment under pack law.

"Delta James what do you want?"

"You know I wasn't sure it was you at first, you've changed a lot, but after I seen you sneaking out and followed you I see you haven't changed that much after all." He circles my slowly stopping in front of me once again. "Though you do seem to have improved at masking your scent, I can't smell you at all."

I cross my arms across my chest and stare down at the ground. Refusing to rise to the bait. He steps closer, and I step back, he steps forward again and I again step back. Now if this was a romance novel, I would probably have ended up against a tree or something, but this is no romance and I was not backed into a tree instead I tripped and landed with a thud flat on my back.

He bust up laughing, as I lay there sucking in air. Wiping tears away from his eyes he squats down beside me.

"Still the same, clumsy as always I see."

"What do you want?!"

"Uh, uh, uh, temper, temper, we wouldn't want to face punishment now would we?"

I purse my lips and bite my tongue, to hold myself together. Suddenly I'm jerked up by my hair, I cry out and try to get out of his grip but it's no use.




"No, Delta James, sir."


Finally releasing me I drop to my knees holding my poor head.

"Get up you have work to do back at the pack house." He says as he delivers a kick to my side, which I manage to shield with my forearm. Standing up I turn back the way I came from, but before I could run, he grabs me by the arm and whispers in my ear.

"And you better behave because if you don't...." He trailed off leaving his threat hanging before releasing me and running off at his werewolf speed. Even after he's gone I don't dare and try to find Kilala. So with a sigh I start back.

As I enter the kitchen I look at the clock which reads five o'clock. I hurry to start dinner. Just as I set the last plate on the table people begin piling in. This is going to be a long night.

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