Chapter 24

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Picture of Meoquamee's outfit.

Meoquamee's POV

I feel way to exposed but at the same time I feel gorgeous. After I put on the dress, Adelaide did my make up on the natural side and fixed my hair to her liking, the dress' appearance was simple yet, elegant and lavish at the same time. I finally slip on the heels and clip on the chandelier earrings. Walking to the mirror, I gasp in shock.

I can't believe the girl starting back at me is really what I look like, she or rather I look exactly like a Luna should look. Poised, graceful strong and confident, in short my exact opposite.

"You really are my fairy godmother, I look amazing!"

She rolls her eyes "Of course you look amazing, I helped you."

"Wow, I'm so glad you're modest." She just giggles at my sarcasm.

"And the best part is you don't have to be back by midnight, you can dance with your prince charming until the sun is high in the sky and your dress won't disappear. Unless of course you want it to..." she trails off wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"Ew, no I'm saving my self in case I have a mate."

At the word mate her eyes sadden and I flinch, thinking of Bram. If he was my mate I wouldn't care about saving myself, but if my mate was someone like Melle I'd definitely want to save myself for him. So instead of taking the chance I've waited.

"You know what I think? I think you have a mate, an Alpha. Who is waiting just like you who will treat you with nothing but the gentle love you deserve."

I can't help but smile at the thought trying to picture what he might look like, but every time, I see Melle. Of course I know that's impossible. Isn't it? Of course it is and I'd be foolish to hope otherwise.

I feel Melle trying to link me, I still want to block him out but it might be best to listen after last night's events.

"Yes Alpha"

"I've invited some of the surrounding packs make sure there is enough food."

A little advanced warning would have been nice. "Yes Alpha."

I sigh, well at least I got to see what I could look like, oh well.

"I really appreciate this Adelaide but the Alpha just linked me he invited some more people so I really can't go I have a lot more cooking to do and not that much time to do it in. Maybe next time."

"Absolutely not you will go, I will make sure there is enough food. You will not work tonight! Got it?" She growls.

I stare wide eyed at her before slowly nodding. She can be quite intimidating when she wants to be.

"Good now get your butt in gear, we're going to be late." She smiles triumphantly.

"Alpha will not be happy." I try my last resort.

She just rolls her eyes. "As I said if he or Elder Bodolf has a problem they can come to me."

I just shake my head as she drags me out of my room and pulls me down the hall. I can feel the stares on my back but keep my head down refusing to meet anyone's eye.

I hear a gasp and a squeal then I'm pulled into a bear hug by a still squealing Freda.


I chuckle at her enthusiasm. "Thanks."

"Oh thank you so much Luna Adelaide!" Freda is still dancing with her excitement, but had stopped screaming.

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