Chapter 3

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Meoquamee's POV

I sighed as I unlocked my front door. Kilala raised her head to look over at me then gave a low growl.

"What's wrong Kilala, have a bad dream or something?"

I shut the door and kicked of my shoes.

"Who. Where. You. With.?" She hisses

"Nobody new, unless you count the new customer we had today. Boy, was he good looking, but a little um how should I put this, unstable?"

"Describe him" she growled

"Well he was tall and muscular. With the gorgeous hair and the dreamest eyes you've ever seen and he smelled perfect and his voice..." I sighed and smiled.

Her pupils where growing and her ears went back against her head.


"Stop what? You're acting weird, Ki, are you in heat again or something? Because your kinda scare'n me"

"No I am definitely not in heat." Kilala snaps before taking several deep calming breaths and walking to the bedroom re-emerging in human form and wearing one of my dresses.

"Amee, listen to me don't ever let that man near you again, do you understand?"

"But why?"

"He's bad news trust me..... he's" she paused and took another deep breath. "He's a werewolf, like Bram, except he belongs to a pack, and if my memory serves me correctly, which it does. He's the son of the Alpha of my old pack, he's cruel and cold hearted, he has no Conscience and most of all he hates humans."

My mouth fell open he's a werewolf that would explain his speed, the growl, the change of eye colour, well everything actually expect it could not explain why I felt so alone and abandoned when he left, or why I had wanted to hold him close and never let him go after just meeting him.

Kilala's POV

That scent, I knew it. It was Melle one werewolf I hate more than words can say.
I hate him not because he beat me like the others but because he would just stand there and watch.
He could have helped me could have saved me but he didn't and when I found my mate he kept us apart and had me thrown out all because he thought I wasn't good enough.

Just thinking of my beautiful mate makes my chest hurt and my anger grow.

"What's wrong Kilala, have a bad dream or something?"

I must have growled without realizing it.

"Who. Where. You. With?"

"Nobody new, unless you count the new customer we had today. Boy, was he good looking, but a little um how should I put this, unstable?"

"Describe him."

"Well he was tall and muscular. With the most gorgeous hair and the dreamest eyes you've ever seen and he smelled perfect and his voice..."
Meoquamee sighs a smile dancing on her lips.

"STOP IT!" I can't help it I loose it and scream at her instantly regretting it.

"Stop what?  you're acting weird, Ki, are you in heat again or something? Because your kinda scare'n me"

"No I am definitely not in heat." I take some deep calming breaths before going to the bedroom and shifting putting on the closest dress, I don't even pay notice that it's not mine until I reappear and Meoquamee raises her eyebrows saying nothing.

"Amee, listen to me don't ever let that man near you again, do you understand?"

"But why?"

"He's bad news trust me..... he's" I paused and took another deep breath. "He's a werewolf, like Bram, except he belongs to a pack, and if my memory serves me correctly, which it does. He's the son of the Alpha of my old pack, he's cruel and cold hearted, he has no Conscience and most of all he hates humans."

Her mouth falls open and I can see confusion slowly being replaced by understanding.

Suddenly she looks like she's going to be sick and runs into the bathroom. A few minutes latter she reappears.

"That would explain a lot especially the growl I heard."

"He growled at you?!"

"Yes, I think I must have taken to long with his order or something anyways what do you want for dinner tonight I don't really feel like cooking so my treat!"

I could see something in her eyes that I didn't recognize, an extreme sadness, an emptiness that shouldn't have been there.

"How about Mickey D's?" I knew hearing the old nickname would cheer her up somewhat.
She smiled but it didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Mickey D's it is than"

(A/N in case anyone is confused Amee is Meoquamee's nick name and it's pronounced Amy. And Mickey D's is nickname for McDonald's. Also the picture is of Kilala in her human form)

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