Chapter 26

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Meoquamee's POV

I can't believe it, I thought he was different, I thought he was good and kind and caring but I was wrong. He isn't he just hides his true colors better than others.

I can't believe he did this I feel like screaming in anger, frustration and hurt, but I won't allow myself. I won't allow anyone to know just how much this has affected me.

I know James is following me probably with orders from the Elder, or... or... Melle. No! I refuse to believe it. He might not be different but I refuse to think he'd do such a thing.

I know where I'll end up so I just head straight to what I've un-affectionately nicknamed torture tower, it's not really a tower but tower sounds better than 'small sound proof room crammed with instruments of pain'.

I enter and pace around fuming. I can feel someone trying to link me but I ignore them it's probably just Freda wondering where I am since I know it's not Melle.

I pick up a few of the knives and whirl around throwing them at the opposite wall, they hit, lodging deeply. I smirk at what would have been fatal wounds had I thrown them at human. I hear slow clapping and turn to see the Delta leaning nonchalantly against the door frame.

"I see you haven't lost your touch."

I calmly walk over and pull the knives from the wall "Just get over with."

"Impatient as always I see."

"Don't mess with me, I am not in a good mood and I'm holding knives." He simply laughs at my warning, though I can't blame him. He knows I would never actually do anything.

"I believe you know the drill."

I nod. He's allowed to inflict any torture he wishes as long as it doesn't kill me, leaves no marks that can be easily seen and he doesn't break anything.

"I believe I fancy my fists today."

A whip would've hurt less, because when he says fist he really means both of his arms and legs. I keep my face from showing any sign of the fear and dread that begins slowly seeping into me.

Melle's POV

I followed Luna Adelaide to my office, as soon as the door shut behind me, she turns eyes still blazing.

"I would like to know why exactly you sent Meoquamee to the cells?"

"I have my reasons."

"And I want to know what they are."

"They're private."

She raises an eyebrow "In other words you don't have any."

"Yes I do." I'm beginning to get annoyed.

"Then what are they?"

"I said they are private!"

She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms across her chest. "Look, my opinion of you is already damaged, in fact the only reason I'm still here is because of her. The least you can do is tell me why the one person who actually made a good impression on me is currently locked up."

"You were going to leave?"

She nods in affirmation.

"Why, don't you want to mate and have an heir?"

"No, and I never did."

"Then why-"

"Why did I come here? It was the Elders idea, but after coming I thought you ran your pack poorly and was going to leave, but Misty stopped me, and set me straight. Helped me decide what I should do."

"Why would you think I'm a bad Alpha?"

"It's not important and I've already said to much. What is important is why Misty is currently locked in the cells."

I can tell there's no escaping so I decide to tell her the truth, well half of it anyway.

"Meoquamee was with the rogues for awhile and I was afraid she might get hurt if anyone else found out. My Gamma doesn't even know, just my Father, Beta, Delta and now you."

She doesn't really look like she believes me "So you locked her up to protect her?"


"Does she know that?"

"No, and I don't want you to tell her either."

"I won't, but you should. After tonight her image of you might not be the same, She deserves an explanation."

I nod but don't agree. I can't tell Amee that, she'd think I was ashamed of her, that I don't want her and never did, no I can't tell her that. But I do have to come up with something though, because the Luna is right she does deserve an explanation.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave." My wolf wants to tell her the truth, I know but I can't not yet anyway.

"Shut up, it's for the best."

"Lying never helps."

This time it is I who put up my walls, even though he's blocked out his previous words echoed around my memory "Lying never helps, lying never helps, lying never help."

The Luna snaps her fingers in my face impatiently, one eyebrow raised in annoyance. "Did you even hear a word I said?"


She rolls her eyes "I said I want to go see her."


"No, next year. Of course now."

"But you'll miss the celebration."

"Without Misty it won't be fun anymore, now come on."

"Why do you call Meoquamee, Misty?"

"It's her nickname."

"Most just call her Amee."

She grimaces slightly as if recalling a bad memory before whispering softly "Thankfully I'm not like most." Not thinking I was ment to hear it. I let it go without further questioning, however I have a nagging suspicion she knows something I don't.

I feel a sore spot on my arm, confused I roll up my sleeve only to see a faint bruise in the shape of a man's hand. Strange I didn't spar with anyone today, and even if I had, any damage should have healed hours ago.

I look up when I hear the Luna gasp. She stands staring wide eyed at my arm with her hands over her mouth shaking her head in disbelief. "How... it's not possible... unless... It would make sense... perfect sense."

"What are you talking about?"

"A girl with the heart of a Luna, and a bruise on her arm."

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