Chapter 18

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Meoquamee's POV

My alarm goes off signaling the start of a new day, I can't help but groan. I'm stiff and sore and so not ready to get up this morning. Annoyed by the continuous beeping I finally get up, turn it off, and stumble to the closet to pick out my outfit for the day.

Doing this makes me really miss Kilala, she was always the one with the fashion sense. Me, I'm more if it's comfortable and you can work in it, throw on. It not that I don't match my clothes it's just being fashionable isn't high in my priorities list.

I'm more than happy to go thrift store shopping for my clothes, it doesn't bother me that they were at one time someone else's because after I buy them and wash them they become mine. And as silly as it sounds I like making up stories to go with my clothes like for example my outfit today.

My skirt I imagined had belonged to a woman in her mid to late twenties who was pregnant with her second child, probably a beautiful baby girl. The top had belonged to a newlywed girl, who decided to get rid of her shirt because she had found her superhero and married him so she saw no need for the rest.

My shoes have no story, since I always buy them knew. It's just one of my quirks I guess, but hey we all have some right? Anyways now that I'm dressed I quickly braid my hair and rush to make breakfast.

Since I didn't have a chance to make any pancake batter in advance it'll take longer than I had hoped but no matter, as I start to work I begin to hum a song I heard on the radio and pretty soon my humming turns to singing as I lose myself in my work.

I hope that one day I'll find someone like in the song, who will stand by me no matter what, secretly I wish that person will be Melle. I know, I know, he has a mate out there somewhere, it's just.... I wish... I wish, ah never mind it's not important.

Anyways, back to the task at hand, breakfast. I exit the kitchen and begin loading the tables with platters of food and setting the tables.

Besides pancakes, there's bacon, sausage, and ham, and of course butter and syrup for the pancakes. Just as I set the last fork down people begin to trickle in. Soon enough everyone but Melle is here but everyone is waiting patiently for him, before starting.

I notice a woman get up and leave, soon an order comes through the pack link for everyone to start eating, that is all the encouragement that's needed and everyone digs in enthusiastically. Apparently enjoying the breakfast I'd made.

Pleased I return to the kitchen for mine, as soon as I reach the door pain shoots through me and I can't help the gasp of shock that escapes, another burst of pain and tears spring to my eyes. Forgetting my hunger I rush out of the pack house and into the forest when another wave of pain comes I stumble and clutch a tree for support before I sink to the ground with a moan.

I try desperately to keep my mind occupied with something other than the pain I am currently in. The song! I begin to quietly sing it although it comes out as more of a strained whisper.

Finally after what seems like hours the pain, subsidies but I can't move so I just sit and sing whilst gathering my strength for the rest of day.

Melle's POV

I stink, I should probably take a shower, but I prefer to just lay here in my comfortable bed.

Dang, she was good.

"Our mate would have been better."

"Yeah well I needed it and do you really think our mate would be ready to? Because frankly I don't. Heck she's barely even kissed us."

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