Chapter 29

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Melle's POV

I could barely fall asleep, I was so excited! There is a chance and a rather large one if you ask me we'll be getting back together (take that Miss Swift) just kidding but really I kept waking up with the unsuppressible urge to dance like a fool in my underwear, which of course would be childish and embarrassing should anyone see me, but did that stop me? Not in the least.

Around two I awoke once more but this time was different my wolf wasn't leaping for joy instead he was howling in pain and scratching to be let out, begging me to go to our mate.

Confused I throw on my pants from yesterday, and hurry out without bothering with a shirt something is definitely wrong. I ran with were speed to her door. I knocked but inside there was silence, I try the doorknob only to find it locked. It's alright lots of people lock their doors at night. I take a deep breath trying to catch her scent, much to my horror I find it's stale as though she's been gone for an hour or so.

Trying not to panic I take deep breath to see if she's anywhere in the house, when I realize she isn't I can't take it anymore and bust down the door. The room is empty, frantically I began tearing the room apart. I've got to find her! She's got to be here!

Sagging down, I lay on her bed inhaling her heavenly scent. When I moved my head I heard the rustle of paper feeling around my head blindly and after smacking myself repeatedly I finally found the source of the noise. A note lay a top her pillow. Sitting up I read over it quickly, by the time I finished I was sobbing.

She had cared for me, she felt the mate bond same as I, yet she hid it. Why? I'm not sure but one thing is sure I have to find her. I can't lose her!

Unable to take it I let my wolf take over, of course that probably wasn't the best idea but give a guy a break, I just learned my mate left me after almost agreeing to date me again. I have I right to act a little crazy!

I howled from the pain, confusion and anger coursing through me. Where was my mate, why did she leave me? How could she?

Foot steps pound down the hall and Truett burst in he glances briefly around the trashed room before his eyes finally come to rest on the bed where I lay crumpled with her letter pressed against my heart.

"What happened?!"

Meoquamee's POV

My lungs burned and my legs ached but I kept going, I had to. I could tell I was getting close to the border, just a little more and I'd be in no man's land, rogue territory. Coming to I halt I hide behind a tree. Peaking out i could see the patrols passing every few minutes. Taking a deep breath I waited to the count of twelve before dashing out and making a run for it.

I was almost there just a little more... a howl sounds from the duration of the pack house. I gasp and fall to my knees, it was as if the howl was a knife that had been plunged deep into my abdomen and twisted mercilessly. Tears sprang to my eyes as I lay moaning in pain. Strangely, the howl, Melle's howl, hurt me but not physically,no it was more emotionally.

I faintly heard a woman's voice but I couldn't quite make it out. It sounded familiar it sounded safe. I felt myself being pulled towards the border but I couldn't do anything to stop it, I just hurt to much. Finally I'm laid gently back to the ground and slowly the pain fades until it's no more than a dull ach in my heart. Looking up I see a very worried looking Kilala standing over me.

She lets out a sigh of relief "You scared me senseless! What happened?"

"I don't know..."

"Are you okay why are you running away?" She begins to check my arms and legs for bruises which thankfully and rather mysteriously disappeared.

"I'm fine I was just coming to find you."

One of her eyebrows raise and her expression seems to say "Do you think I'm stupid?"


"It's true I was coming to find you."


"I was going to tell you goodbye..." I trail off and look away. Swallowing hard I force myself to speak again. "I have about a week and a half maybe more before I have to meet Bram-"

"WHAT?! Are you crazy? You know what's going to happen if you go back!"

"Yes I do but I can't let others suffer because of me."

"What do you mean? He face shows confusion and fear.

I start explaining about Darek, his Pack and the rogue attack. By the time I finish I can feel tears invading my eyes but I push them away.

"Oh Amee I'm so sorry."

"It's alright I knew I wouldn't be free forever." She nods before looking down.

"What.... what about my mate?"

"He's fine and from what I can tell he hasn't mated with anyone."

She grins widely but all to soon it falls. "I won't be able to finally be with my mate, will I?"

"Of course you will, it's just going to be a little harder since I won't be there to help you, that's all."

She shakes her head. "No! I won't let you go back alone."

"You have to think about your mate, he would never forgive me for letting you come along, and besides you being there would only give Bram leverage."

"Fine but as soon as I'm with my mate we will be coming to get you and we will make him sorry he ever messed with us."

I chuckle softly, I have no doubt she will too.

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