Chapter 10

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It was the day Elena was having surgery, my little girl was having surgery to save her. That was my new motto 'it's going to save her life' as long as I remembered that it would all be fine, right?

I watched as they wheeled her away to the surgery room and I sat and waited. What else was I supposed to do? I was too worried to do anything else.

After half an hour Lissa and Christian joined me and we all sat and waited together. Lissa had bought some food with her as she had noted how much I wasn't eating since Elena had got sick. She wasn't lying, I hadn't eaten properly since the day Dimitri arrived, it had only been 2 days but it was taking a toll on my physical appearance.

We waited and waited but the clock seemed to be ticking slower, time was dragging as I thought about my Elena under anaesthetic and the possibility she may never wake up 'it's going to save her life'   I repeated. I just sat there repeating the same 6 words over and over to myself.

I was almost too worried about Elena that I didn't notice Dimitri stood by the door, some guardian. But I guess I didn't have to be so wary considering what I was going through. As I studied his face I could see this was affecting him as well, not as much as me, Lissa and Christian but somewhere under that mask he cared.

We all ate in silence, the only sound to be heard was the clock ticking and our mouths chewing. Finally i couldn't take it anymore, I snapped

"Who decided to put such a loud clock in a waiting room, it's so loud I can't here myself think!" I shouted "I can't take it anymore, she hasn't even been in there an hour and I'm loosing my mind. Will someone please tell me she's going to be okay!" I wasn't really expecting anyone to speak but Dimitri decided to

"Roza, she going to be okay." He tried to let a bit of emotion through that god awful mask of his but it just looked like he was struggling so I put it to an end

"Don't call me that!" I snapped "you have no right anymore. And if your gonna try and help maybe get that stupid mask off your face and show some real emotion, your like a fucking robot." Dimitri didn't look hurt by my words, nor shocked

"Rose, I get that your hurting, but please don't take it out on Dimitri." I went to snap at Lissa but was suddenly shocked when I was sucked into head, that didn't surprise me though, what did surprise me was that I was pulled into my head instead of Lissas. I put up my walls and was suddenly slammed into my own body.

"What just happened?" I asked, Lissa was speechless

"It worked!" She breathed "I went into your head!" I raised my eyebrows

"What?" I asked.

"I made the bond work both ways, and your sudden outburst sparked enough emotion that I was sucked into your head. That shocked me which caused you to go into my head. If that makes sense." I nodded

"You were still practising that?" I asked

Lissa nodded "I needed to be closer to you, I felt like I could help you more." Lissa hugged me "I just want to help you Rose. It's killing me seeing you like his. The only way I'm going to see what your really feeling is if I'm in your head like you are with me."

"That's invading my privacy!" I yelled, Lissa raised her eyebrows "hey! That's different, I didn't purposely create the bond." Lissa shook of the conversation and we went back to waiting. Every argument was forgotten.

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