Chapter 22

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I had promised myself that I wouldn't get mad but as soon as I saw him all my anger came back. I thought about all the moments Dimitri had missed because of him; when I found out I was pregnant, when Elena was born, her first word, her first steps. All because of him.

So I did the only thing that came to mind- I hit him.

Right in his nose, and as soon as I did I was sure I heard the crack. Definitely broken. 'Let's see if his spirit can heal that!" I thought smugly. He had used it to ruin my life, why not use it to heal his face?

"Rose?" He said as he held his nose "what's happened?" He asked.

"You bastard!" I shouted "how could you? You knew how much he meant to me." Realisation spread across his face, but soon after it was replaced. Replaced by a sad expression

"Because he didn't deserve you." He left his door open and walked inside, I took this as my opportunity to follow. We came to a stop at the kitchen

"How could you Adrian? Why would you help her?" I asked

"He couldn't give you a life Rose. I could, we could have a family, we could actually be together." I shook my head

"He gave me Elena." I answered "I wanted him, Adrian. He was the only one I wanted." Adrian held a hand to his nose and I saw the wound heal.

"You would of wanted me if it wasn't for that damn child. She was a constant reminder of him. If she wasn't there you would of eventually fell for me." I gasped "I should of taken her out when I had the chance, should of give her to Tasha..." He ranted on "I could of compelled you to forget, compelled everyone to forget." He wasn't speaking to me now, he wasn't speaking to anyone. He was just voicing his thoughts.

I wanted him to stop, I wanted him to feel the pain I felt when Dimitri left. In fact I wanted him to feel worse, he deserved to feel the worse pain known to man. He deserved it.

And suddenly he did.

All of a sudden he was on his hands and knees begging for me to stop. The only problem was I didn't no what I was doing. He was scraping at his neck gasping for air. I felt the buzz of Lissas Magic in my body but this time it wasn't like it was coming from her. It was coming from me.

I was making him feel all of this, I was controlling her spirit. Suddenly I kind of liked this two way bond! I imagined Adrian experiencing his worse nightmare, luckily for me Lissas spirit was a lot stronger than Adrian's because she was more experienced than him.

Adrian stared screaming like he was scared for his life and I saw him trying to get up before a strong, familiar body forced me to let go of the magic

"Roza stop!" I voice demanded.

Dimitri. I realised, why was he here? Why hadn't he listened and taken Lissa and Elena home? Not only had he put Lissa in danger but he had also endangered the life on my child. His child.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. Well, more like yelled "I told you to take her home."

"Your lucky I'm here. You would of killed him. Lissa warned me that you were in touch with the magic as soon as we got in the car, she sensed it. Your anger must have triggered it. I couldn't let you do something you would regret later." He explained

"I wouldn't regret this. He deserves to pay Dimitri. Don't you agree? He tore you away from your daughter and forced you to love someone else, don't you think he deserves this?" I didn't recognize my voice, I felt like I was trapped in my own body

"No. He doesn't deserve this Rose. He deserves to be punished but not like this." My body started pushing against Dimitri to get him off me

"I bet your a part of his plan!" I accused "you knew this was going to happen , why are you stopping me? Your on his side, aren't you?" My voice sounded weak and accusing "you really don't love me! You want me to go to jail so you can have Elena for yourself, you want to take her away form me." He held me by the shoulders

"I love you Rose, so much it hurts. You know this, deep down you do. It's the darkness talking, you can fight it Rose, just like you did in the cabin."

The sudden reminder of the cabin snapped me out of the trance, I started to sob but I shook my head.

"I'm not strong enough this time." Dimitri cupped my cheek

"Think of Elena,Rose. She needs you. I need you. I can't lose you again." I thought back to the last time I was in this situation, I remembered the thing that snapped me out of it.

I bought my lips closer to Dimitri's and closed the space between us. Kissing him again was like coming home, I felt whole again.

He responded immediately and kissed me back softly. He pulled my face closer to his and lifted us both to our feet without braking the kiss.

Once we broke away he kept our faces close "I love you, Roza. Don't ever forget that." I closed my eyes and concentrated on him. Just him.

All thoughts of Adrian were gone for a while, none of my problems mattered while I was with him. But I needed to think about them for a minute

"What do we do with Adrian?" I asked.

"We leave him. He hadn't commuted a crime so we can't punish him. But don't worry, you've done enough to scare him away." I nodded

"But what about Tasha?" He sighed

"She's probably already left, she knows the spell is broken. She'll be too scared to stick around." I nodded again and let Dimitri lead me away.

Before I left I turned to face Adrian slightly. He was curled up in the corner shaking like a leaf. For a second I almost felt bad. Almost.

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