(7) Two Players, One Project

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(7) Two Players, One Project

I rung Jared's doorbell and waited for him to open the door, which I was hoping would be soon; because my dad still had the car keys which means I had to walk here, which means my legs where tired and I needed to sit down.

A few seconds later, Jared appeared at the door with a forced smile on his face. "Hey,"

I peeked in the house to see that Mrs. Woods was standing in the kitchen, looking at us. I put a smile on my face and walked in. "Hey, babe." I said, wrapping my arm around Jared's waist.

Jared and I both looked at Mrs. Woods to see if she was getting all of this. She put a warm smile on her face and walked over to us. "You too are such a cute couple."

"Yup..." Jared trailed.

"Anyway, Jared tells me that you two have a calculus project, so you two can go ahead," She said, waving us off to go do our own thing.

Jared slung his arm around my shoulder and we stayed like that until we were upstairs and completely out of Mrs. Woods' sight.

I quickly let go of him and turned to face Jared, who stood next to me with a smirk on his face."You're getting pretty good at this."

"Whatever," I mumbled before walking into his room, which I've been in many times before as a child since my parents used to set up stupid little play dates for us when we were little, which I absolutely hated with a passion.

The room hadn't changed much, it was just much more messier. It was just a white painted wall with a junky, unmade bed, and clothes and other crap scattered all over the hardwood floors.

After I looked about Jared's trashy excuse for a bedroom, we immediately got started on the project. All we had to do was make a presentation board and an essay about approximation.

We were working in silence on different parts of the project before Jared started being annoying, which wasn't a surprise. "So..." Jared trailed.

I ignored him and continued typing on Jared's Apple laptop. My back was leaned against the wall as I focused on writing the essay, while Jared sat across from me on the opposite side of the room, writing facts for the presentation board.

"So..." He repeated.

I briefly flicked my eyes away from the laptop and looked at Jared for a few seconds. Once I was done eyeing him down, I looked back at the laptop and turned my attention back to the essay.


"What the hell do you want?!" I snapped, angrily slapping my palms down on the keyboard.

"Calm down!" Jared replied with fear etched across his tone and face expression. "I'm just bored. We've been sitting here in complete silence for like an hour."

"Because we're working on a project," I obviously stated.

"Let's just take a break. We have an entire week to do this."

I sighed and pushed my loose hairs behind my left ear. "And do what?" I asked, looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"Make out," I put a disgusted look on my face. "I'm totally kidding," he said, and I calmed down at that.

Jared got up and walked over to his phone, which was lying on his unmade bed. I watched him as he scrolled down and tapped a few things on his phone until I heard some music coming from the speakers. He smirked at me as he turned the volume up to the highest level.

There was a song playing from the phone that I didn't recognize, but it had a fast beat that you would dance to.

I inquisitively raised an eyebrow at Jared as he continued to look at me with that stupid smirk of his.

When the music started playing, he danced over to me. I couldn't help but smile at how amazingly stupid he looked. "Get up. Dance." He said.

"No, I don't dance,"

"I say you can,"

"Not a chance,"

"If I can do this, then you can do that—"

"Enough with the High School Musical!" I growled.

"Come on, dancing makes you happy," I looked at Jared for a while before rolling my eyes and getting up.

Jared was dancing in an uncontrollably vivid manner. It was like he was drunk dancing. As for me, all I was doing was rocking from side to side.

"Is that all you've got? Lame."

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "My dancing might be lame, but it's definitely better than yours." I replied, looking him up and down as he continued to dance. Even though I was marginally pissed, I couldn't help but laugh.

"In your dreams," Jared said.

I shook my head and started dancing a little more than I was. It was actually kind of fun, to be completely honest.

We were dancing for about five minutes before Marta suddenly walked into room. "Aren't you two supposed to be working on a project?"

We both stopped dancing and turned to face Marta when we heard her voice. Jared ran over to his phone and stopped the music before putting an innocent smile on his face. "Yeah, we were just taking a slight break." He mentioned.

"Oh, okay. You two can dance, but they aren't better than my hip moves," she said before dancing in place.

"Mom," Jared said, rubbing his temples in an embarrassed manner. "Mom, Mom, please, Mom stop."

Marta rolled her eyes and stopped. "Fine," she mumbled before continuing down the hallway.

I laughed and turned to face Jared. We then lapsed into a slightly awkward silence before we began to awkwardly stare at each other. After a couple of seconds of awkward staring, we both randomly walked back to sit where we were sitting before to work on more of the project.

While I typed more words of the essay, the thought of Savannah suddenly popped into my mind. I turned my head towards Jared, who was engrossed in writing his facts. I opened my mouth, getting ready to tell him about Savannah and what she'd said to me, but after deciding not to say anything, I just closed my mouth and turned my attention back to the essay.

Jared and I had gotten most of the project done by the time I'd left. I said my goodbyes to Jared's parents before walking back to my house.

My legs were killing me on the journey home. I never knew being car-less could be so painful.

It was about nine o'clock p.m. when I got home. I didn't realize that I was at Jared's for so long. When I got home, I immediately took a shower, changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and crawled into bed, eventually drifting to sleep.

Another chapter done! What did you guys think? Keep reading for things to get interesting soon! Chapter 7 question is...

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