(22) Two Players, One Visit

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(22) Two Players, One Visit

I looked out the window, watching all the other cars pass by as we drove down the road. Zander was currently driving Bethany, Taylor, Shawn, Jared and I to the hospital to visit Meg. All of us were, of course, hoping that she would be awake by now. It's only been about a week since the incident happened. But people who are in comas can wake up in a matter of a couple days, or a couple years. There's no way of knowing.

When we finally arrived at the hospital, Zander parked in a random parking spot and we all instantly got out of the car.

We entered the hospital and walked past the check in room. "Hey, excuse me!" The lady standing behind the check in desk called. "You have to check in!"

We all decided to ignore her and kept walking up the Megs room, which was on the third floor. We all got on the elevator and went up to the third floor.

We all walked up to the door to Meg's room and waited for a nurse or doctor to come up. A couple seconds later, we saw the same doctor from before walk up. "What are you kids doing here? Did you guys check in?" He asked with a concerning tone.

"Is she awake or not?" Shawn asked, ignoring the doctor's question.

"She's awake," the doctor spoke. A wide smile instantly grew on my face and I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.

"Yes!" Taylor yelled. "I knew it, I wasn't even worried." She said in a cool manner, flipping her hair afterwards. We all glared at Taylor, being that she was main one worried about whether Meg would wake up or not.

"But she did put some very harmful things into her body. We learned that her mom was using drugs also, and she might be taken away from her mom." The doctor explained, all of us giving him our full attention. "There is going to be a court case held tomorrow to tell whether she will be taken away or not."

"What happens if she does get taken away?" Bethany asked curiously.

"She'd have to stay in a group home until she turns eighteen. And her birthday isn't until December. so she would be staying in the group home for several months." The doctor answered.

"You mean like an orphanage?" Zander asked.

"Yes... But you are welcome to go visit her now. She's just eating. Only three people at a time in the room." The doctor finished before walking off into anther direction.

Bethany, Taylor and I were, of course, the first ones to go in and visit her. The things the doctor just told us were pretty intense, but right now, we were just happy that she was awake and alive.

We all entered the room to see Meg sitting in the hospital bed, with a bowl of soup sitting in her lap. When we entered the room, she instantly looked up and smiled. Without hesitation, we all walked up to Meg and each gave her huge hugs. "I've missed you guys." She spoke quietly when she was done hugging us. "And this hospital food taste like shit." She stated, reaching over to sit the bowl of soup on the nightstand near the bed.

We all laughed, in confirmation that she was definitely acting normal. "We've missed you more, and we were totally worried about you." Bethany mentioned as we all sat down on the edge of the hospital bed.

"Have you been crying?" I asked in a concerning tone. I noticed that Megs eyes were slightly red, giving off the image that she'd been crying.

Meg shrugged her shoulders and looked down. "A little," She spoke, sounding slightly embarrassed.

"Why? You're awake, you're alive, everything's gonna be fine." Taylor assured.

"No," Meg replied, shaking her head and letting another tear drop fall from her face. "I messed up." She said, her voice cracking in the process. 

Seeing Meg like this wasn't a pleasant feeling at all. As her friends, all we wished that there was something we could do, but in reality, it was above our control. "Meg," Bethany began. "You've been living in a house where both of your parents used drugs. It's not your fault; they were basically teaching you to use drugs."

"Yeah but... I was stupid enough to follow my parents' footsteps. I made the choice to use those drugs, and I shouldn't have. Because if it had gone any further, I could've been dead today." Meg spoke, letting even more tears fall from her eyes.

"But you're not," I said, giving Meg a small smile. "Everything's going to be fine, Meg."

"Yeah, we'll always be here." Taylor added.

Meg put a smile on her face and sniffled. "My mom... she's a lawyer. And she has a successful job and all, and she dresses like she makes tons of money, and she does make a nice amount of money. But behind that successful, rich, young woman facade...she's really the deadbeat mother who spends all of her time with her drugs instead of her daughter."

There was a moment of silence that overtook all of us once she said what she said. Let's be real, I honestly wanted to cry right about now, but if I cried, Bethany and Taylor would cry, then Meg would cry even more.

"And I just might have my whole life taken away from me tomorrow at that court case. I need someone to be there for me." Meg finished, looking at all of us to wait for us to speak.

"Without a doubt, we'll be there for you tomorrow." Bethany assure, and Taylor and I nodded our heads in agreement.

Meg sniffled once more before opening her arms wide to hug us. All of us then went in for hug and in that moment, I realized that i had the best friends I could I ever imaging in the entire world.

So, so touching isn't it?

Thanks for reading and don't forget to keep reading to see what happens next because uh, you won't be disappointed if you know what I mean. *wink wink*

Anyway, chapter 22 question is...

What are your favorite pair of shoes you own?

Remember to vote and comment and I lobe you guys and I am out.

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