(27) Two Players, One Break

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(27) Two Players, One Break

As soon as I entered school grounds, I forcefully swung the doors open and walked inside, adding speed to my walking pace.

I ignored the handful of people who were saying hi to me as I walked down the hallway. It's not that I was trying to be rude, I just really wanted to get to Savannah so I could find out what the hell was going on.

When I entered the senior hallway, I looked around for Savannah, but she was nowhere in sight. I didn't know where her locker was, because I never cared enough to about her to know where it was. But in this case, it would sure come in handy.

I scanned my eyes around the first area of the senior hallway once more before walking the rest of the way down the hallway. I slowly looked down each row of lockers to find Savannah.

When I reached the end of the hallway, I was about to decided to just give up and find her later, until I turned on my heel to come face to face with her. She was walking in my direction, strutting down the hallway like she was some model, flipping her shiny blonde hair.

I rolled my eyes at her before crossing my arms over my chest, waiting for her to come close enough to to me so I could talk to her. When Savannah was finally in front of me, I look at her and raise one eyebrow. "I know you're going around telling people that Jared and I broke up."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Savannah said, lying straight through her teeth.

"Cut the crap, Savannah. I know you did it." I replied, looking around the hallway to make sure no one was listening in on our conversation.

Savannah's smile slightly dropped, but she still had a hint of a smirk. "I was loud and clear, Zoey. I told you to stay away from Jared. And I recently found out that you and Jared are going to prom together, which means you two are really going out now, correct?" Savannah questioned with a sickening tone that made me wanna punch her right in her makeup caked face.

I rolled my eyes at her response. "Okay, Jared and I aren't fake dating anymore, but—"

"I knew it! I knew this fake dating crap between you and Jared was gonna lead into something more, which is why I told you to stay away from him in the first place!" Savannah yells, but not loud enough for anyone else in the hallway to hear. "And I swear, Zoey! If you go to prom with Jared, you're gonna regret it!"

I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head in disgrace. "You're pathetic, Savannah. And you're a freak. I don't know why you can't get over Jared, because he doesn't like you, at all."

"Just... keep you're distance from Jared, Zoey." Savannah finished with a serious tone before slowly and over dramatically backing away.

I watched her, shooting her glares of hatred until she was completely out of eye range. I waited there in the hallway, staring at nothing in particular while taking in everything that just happened. I took a deep breath before stomping down the hallway.

I was done with Savannah's crap. I finally thought I had things all figured out with Jared. We fake dated for a while, went through some awkward situations, and finally came to terms that we should just confess that we like each other and date. I thought I was gonna be able to go to prom with Jared and have fun with no problems. But I guess that can't happen anymore since Savannah watching over us like a hawk!

I was sick of her and I was tired of her games, so I was ending it once and for all. I didn't care what I had to do.

I speed walked angrily down the hallway until I saw Jared, who was gathering books out of his locker. When I finally reached Jared, I slammed my hand on his locker in frustration.

Jared jumped in shock when I slammed my palm on his locker and he turns his head to the left to look at me. He raises his eyebrows and smiles at me. "Hey," he greeted with a smile.

My stomach churned nervously as I looked into Jared's brown eyes and I my breath became unsteady when I looked at the smile on his face. There was no way I could look at that smile before doing what I was about to go.

I watched as Jared leaned in, obviously to kiss me. I slowly baked away and looked at Jared with my lips pursed and I wore a hesitant face expression. Jared furrowed his eyebrows at my action. Jared studied the look on my face and looked at me with concern and worry. "Zoey, what's wrong."

"We need to break up," I instantly blurt in a quiet tone, but loud enough so he could hear me clearly.

Jared's eyebrows instantly scrunched in confusion and he lets out a small breath of  laughter, hoping that what I just said was a joke. "You're kidding right?" Jared asked, waiting anxiously for me to respond.

I looked at Jared for a few more seconds before shaking my head. "No," I reply quietly.

Jared looked down at the floor for a few following seconds before he looked back up at me with extreme confusion written all over his expression. "Why?" Jared asked. "We just got together."

"I know. And we can still fake date around your parents and everything, but we can't really do it at school, and around Savannah—"

"Really?!" Jared yelled, slamming his locker closed, obviously getting a little mad. I didn't blame him, so I just looked at him calmly as he continued. "You're ending our relationship because of Savannah?"

"Look, Jared. We can not be together!" I yelled in the came semi-quiet tone to make sure no one around heard what we were talking about. "I'm done with Savannah's bullshit, Jared. If we're together, she's gonna make sure she makes my life a living hell." I explained.

"So what?! Who gives a fuck about Savannah?"

"I do! She literally just told me right in front of my face that if I went to prom with you, I was gonna regret it!" I pointed out, pointing to the area of the hallway I was just in while talking to Savannah. "I don't wanna deal with her anymore! I don't want anymore of Savannah's little threats, so let's just end this once and for all!"

"So you're just gonna let Savannah screw with your mind like that?" Jared asked, shrugging his shoulders.

"Jared, it doesn't matter. If we're together, Savannah's gonna find a way to mess it all up for us. If we're not together, you're gonna have to get married. Either way, it's a lose lose situation."

Jared then clenched his jaw in a hurt manner and looked at me, straight in the eyes. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, feeling a huge mix of unidentifiable emotions.

After a few seconds of looking at each other, Jared turned on his heel and walked down the hallway with his back facing me. I watched Jared until he turned the corner of the hallway.

When he was out of sight, I let out a huge, long sigh and ran my fingers through my hair. I leaned my back against the lockers and let my mind process what just happened.

I had no idea whether I just did the right or wrong thing. I had no idea what to think, or feel. I had no idea whether I just did something completely stupid, or something smart.

At this point, I didn't know what Jared and I were. I didn't know if we were fake boyfriend and girlfriend all the time, or just around his parents, or if we were completely broken up. I had a million things running through my mind and I had a good feeling that prom wasn't gonna be so good for me anymore.

Omg guys keep reading! The book is soon about to come to an end!!

Chapter question is...

Does your school wear uniform?



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