(12) Two Players, One Sprained Ankle

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(12) Two Players, One Sprained Ankle

I slowly opened my eyes and blinked them until they adjusted to the extreme amount of sunlight creeping through my window. I then squinted my eyes and sat up in my bed, or should I say, tried to sit up.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked down to see what was preventing me from sitting up and I jumped in shock when I saw an arm draped over my waist. I turned to my right to see a sleeping Jared next to me.

I took a breath of relief when I realized it was just Jared's arm. I'd completely forgotten he was here. Last night, after that "incident" I didn't want to be alone, so I asked him to stay. I didn't think he would actually do it, I just figured that he would hang around until I fell asleep.

I slowly inched my hand close to his arm to try to move it away from my body, but before I could even move it, I felt Jared pull me closer into his chest.

I cringed at the feeling of being so close to Jared before I decided to try again. I slowly and carefully moved Jared's arm from around my waist without waking him up. Taking a sigh of relief, I crawled out of my bed and was about to walk out of my room before Wesley walked in. He turned towards Jared and his eyes instantly went wide with shock. "Whoa! What did you guys do last night?!" Wesley whisper-yelled.

I rolled my eyes. "We didn't do anything."

"So why is he in your bed?" He asked curiously.

"It's a long story that's none of your damn business. Now get the hell out of my room," I rudely demanded.

Wesley show me a glare before turning around and scurrying off to some other part of the house.

I turned towards Jared and tapped him on the shoulder. "Jared, wake up," I said. Jared then slowly opened his eyes and lifted himself from the bed. He looked around like he was confused, then nodded his head when he realized why he was in my room.

Jared crawled out of my bed and looked at me. He was looking at me for quiet a while before speaking. "... You got any food?"

I rolled my eyes. "Go home, Jared." Without another word, Jared shrugged and walked out of my room. "Wait!" I yelled, running after him as soon as I'd realized something.

"What?" He asked, turning back around to face me.

"Can I ride with you? I left my calculus textbook at your house while we were working on the project, and I need it for tonight's homework," I explained.

"Sure," Jared replied with a shrug of the shoulders. With that, I followed behind him and told my dad that I would be back before exiting the house.

We both got into Jared's car and I looked out the window as he backed out of my driveway and started driving to his house.

"Zoey," Jared called.

I looked away from the window and flickered my eyes towards Jared. "Yes?"

"What would you have done if I weren't there," Jared asked, referring to what happened last night.

I sighed. "Can we not talk about this?" I mutter, turning back to look out of the window.

Jared was silent for a few seconds before speaking. "Okay," he simply replied.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him as he kept his eyes on the road. I was slightly surprised that he didn't have a smarter comeback, but I didn't feel like going back and forth with him on this situation, so I wasn't exactly complaining. I then turned back towards the window for the remainder of the drive.

When we arrived at his house, we both got out and walked to the front door. "Hey, can you just go get my book and bring it out to me. I don't feel like walking up your humongous stairs," I explained.

"Whatever," Jared said before walking in and quickly getting my textbook.

I waited for him to come out, and when he did. I grabbed my textbook and smiled. "Thanks."

I watched Jared as he took a look through the front door glass. All of a sudden, Jared turned towards me and planted a kiss on my left cheek.

My eyes instantly widened in complete and utter shock. "Why'd you do that?" I mumbled awkwardly, looking at him with wide eyes as I wait for a response.

"My parents are looking at us through the window," he explained. I looked through the window to see Jared's parents smiling warmly at us. I then flashed an awkward smile towards Jared's parents before I quickly looked back at him.

"See you at school tomorrow," Jared said before he walked back into his house.

A few seconds after Jared went back into his house, I ran my fingers through my hair in an exasperated manner and looked through the window once more before walking back to my house.

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I walked outside of the school and looked around for Jared. I saw him talking to Zander, his best friend, and a few other guys, so I walked over to him.

"Come on, Jared." I told him, motioning for him to walk me to his car.

Jared threw his head back in annoyance. "Your dad still has your car keys?" He asked, obviously not so thrilled about having to drive me home.

"Yes. He's not giving them back for another two months.  You have to drive me home until then so you might as well get used to it," I snapped as I walked closer to Jared.

"Why can't you get Bethany, Taylor, Meg or Shawn to drive you?" He grumbled.

I groaned, getting tired of going back and forth with him. "You live the closest to me," I response, shrugging my shoulders.


"Dude," Zander came into the conversation. "Are you gonna keep arguing with your girl, or are you just gonna drive her home already?"

I raised my eyebrows at Jared, waiting for a response. "Of course, honey..." Jared said with gritted teeth as we both walked to his car.

"Only old people call each other honey," I stated, rolling my eyes.

"Only idiots call each other cheesecake," I instantly shot a glare towards Jared due to his smart ass comment.

"Ah!" Jared unexpectedly yelled when he all of a sudden fell to the ground. "I tripped on that dumb ass branch!" he exclaimed, pointing to the random tree branch behind him. I stared at the branch for a couple of seconds before I bursted out into a huge fit of laughter. "It's not funny," Jared grumbled, getting up from the ground.

"Yeah it is," I said, finishing off my laughter and continuing to walk to Jared's car.

And then all of a sudden, Jared's foot jutted out in front of me, and surprise, surprise; I tripped.

"Ha! Look whose laughing now!" Jared said before laughing humorously.

I paused for a few seconds before letting out a long, ear piercing scream.

Jared's eyes slowly widened and everyone's heads turned towards me, but I didn't care. All I could focus on was the pain in my right ankle that definitely has just been twisted in at least an 180 degree angle.

My ankle literally started hurting while writing this, I don't even know why.

Chapter 12 question is...

Have you ever broken any bone of your body? If you have, which part?

Thanks for reading and remember to vote and comment! Love you guys!

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