(13) Two Players, One Couples Therapy

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(13) Two Players, One Couples Therapy

"I didn't think you were gonna sprain your ankle..." Jared mumbled with embarrassment.

I shifted my eyes towards Jared without moving my head and simply rolled my eyes.

We were currently at the doctors office. When Jared irresponsibly tripped me in the school parking lot, precisely one hour ago, Jared called his parents while I cried in pain on the ground. When he got off the phone, he had to carry me to his car, and we drove to the doctors office to meet Jared's parents, and my dad and brother.

We all sat in the doctor's office; I sat on the patient bed while everyone else sat in the chairs.

Jeremy, Jared's dad sat and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb. "So Jared... Why did you trip her?" He asked curiously.

"... Because she laughed when I tripped," Jared awkwardly admitted. Wesley laughed at that and I glared at him.

"How could you be so childish?" Marta added, shooting Jared and slight glare.

"I didn't know she was going to sprain her ankle!" He yelled.

"It's fine," my dad said. "It was just a little mishap. It's all okay."

I know my dad was trying to shed light on the situation, but it wasn't okay for me! My ankle was in pain and I know I didn't break it or anything, but it still hurt like hell.

"Are you sure, Walter?" Marta confirmed.

"Yes... But you do know you have to pay the medical bill?" My dad added.

Jeremy sighed and nodded his head. "Yes, that's fair."

After a few seconds of silence between us all, the doctor came back into the room. "Okay, so we ran another x-ray, and it's just a sprain. But we recommend you don't walk on it for at least one month, so we are providing you some crutches."

I cringe at the sound of crutches. I have never used crutches before and I don't want to start now. "But you will only need to use the crutches for about three weeks. After that, you can walk around with your boot for the rest of the month."

"Sounds good, Doctor. Thank you," my dad said and the doctor smiled at all of us before exiting the room. "Well, Zoey. I guess I'm giving you the car keys back early. I can't make you walk everywhere with that sprained ankle."

I put a victorious smirk on my face and nodded my head. At least there was one plus side to this sprained ankle.

"Yes," Jared mumbled under his breath, probably happy that he didn't have to drive me around anymore. Well, the feeling was mutual.

"Walter, she can come home with us for a few minutes if she wants. You know I'm a nurse, I'll get her rested in the right conditions," Marta offered.

"No, I'm good—"

"That'd be great, Marta. Thanks," My dad rudely interrupted me and I scowled at him as he got up from his chair. "Have a nice time. We'll pick you up from the Woods' in a few hours. Come on, Wesley," My dad and Wesley then exited the room and I let out a frustrated sigh.

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I stared at the huge television in the Woods' living room, unamused. I sat on the couch and rested my ankle on a fluffy pillow that sat on the coffee table.

I was uncomfortable for multiple reasons.

First reason, this stupid boot on my foot is so damn aggravating and I want to rip it off... And I've only had it on for thirty minutes.

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