(17) Two Players, One Jealousy

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(17) Two Players, One Jealousy

Just a few more weeks, a few more weeks until I'm finally able to take this dumb ass boot off of my ankle and I'll finally be able to walk. I never knew how much a sprained ankle could change a persons life.

It was finally Friday and the day couldn't go by fast enough. This week has been a rough week. I had to spend a lot of extra time with Jared since the therapist told us to do what each other liked. I didn't even know why we're doing what she told us to do. We aren't even a real freaking couple.

I limped to my locker and put in my combination. I opened it and furrowed my eyebrows when a saw a little, white piece of paper fall from my locker.

I looked around the school before bending down to pick up the paper. I unfolded it and observed it. The first thing I noticed was the hideous handwriting on it. Then I began to read it.

I was thinking about not telling you who wrote this message and leave it a secret, like they do in the movies and shit, but that's cheesy. So yeah, this is Alex. You know, the one you've been waiting for.

I rolled my eyes at that before continuing to read.

Meet me at the football field right after your last class of the day. And no, I'm not going to kill you or anything. If I were doing that, I would've told you to meet me in the woods or something. Yeah, you get the point. See you then.

I looked up from the note and put a confused look on my face. Why the hell did he want me to meet him at the football field? I knew there was something up with him when I first laid eyes on him.

I stuffed the note in my jean pockets and slammed my locker closed.

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"So he told you to meet him at the football field?" Meg asked as we walked down the hallway.

I just got out of my last class, and I figured I should at least tell someone about the note before I went to meet him. So I ran into Meg and decided to tell her.

I nodded my head. "Yup. What do you think he's gonna do?" I asked curiously.

"There's only one way to find out." Meg stated.

I sighed and turned to face Meg. I grabbed her by both the shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "I'm going. Wish me luck."

Meg rolled her eyes. "You act like he's gonna kill you or something."

"He might," I pointed out.

"Nah. If he were gonna kill you, he'd take you to the woods or something."

I laughed when I remembered that was exactly what Alex said in the note. I shrugged my shoulders before walking out of the building and circling around until I was at the football field.

I looked down at the football field to see Alex waiting with his hands in his jean pockets. I sighed before limping down the cement bleachers, handing in the rail as I walked down. I was definitely not trying to fall and sprain my other ankle.

When I was all the way down on the grass of the field, I walked to where Alex was standing. I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned to face me. "Ah, you made it." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Clearly. Now what do you want?" I asked.

"Well," he began, stepping a few inches closer to me. My eyes widened in shock and my heart started speeding up. "I know I don't completely know you yet, but I'm pretty sure that you picked up the concept yesterday that I'm interested in you."

"You're interested in me?" I asked.

"I heard all the boys here are interested in you. What's the surprise?"

Two Players, One GameWhere stories live. Discover now