(9) Two Players One New Girl

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(9) Two Players, One New Girl

I scanned my eyes through my locker, taking out all of the books and materials I needed for the day.

"I'm thinking about getting my nose pierced," I heard Taylor announce. Taylor's locker was two lockers to the left of Shawn's

"No one cares," Shawn deadpanned, closing his locker and walking away.

"No one cares," Taylor mimicked before closing her locker and quickly following behind him to annoy him some more.

I laughed at the two before closing my locker. I heard the bell ring for first period and I turned around to walk to my next class, but I could barley take a step before I noticed Hudson was standing right in front of me. I slightly jumped and placed my hand over my heart. "You scared me," I said, taking a breath of relief.

"Whatever... how about you come over to my place after school?" Hudson grinned and rested both his arms on the lockers behind me, trapping me between him and the lockers.

"No, I'm going to Jared's to work on my calculus project. Plus he's my... boyfriend." I managed to get boyfriend out of my mouth without internally throwing up this time. This is a new milestone.

"Ugghh," I glared at Hudson as he threw his head back and released a lengthy groan of annoyance. He was beginning to get really annoying. "You still go out with him? I thought you would've dumped him by now."

"Well I haven't," I mumbled.

"I don't know what you see in him. He has nothing compared to me," Hudson cockily stated.

"With the fact that he's the captain of the football team," I heard Bethany's voice. I looked over to see her walking towards us, "and he's the most popular guy in school, I think he does have a lot compared to you,"

"Whatever, I'm going to be late to first period," Hudson said, removing his hands from the lockers and walking to his class.

"What a jerk," Bethany said walking with me to our first period.

I shrugged my shoulders, picking up my pace because I didn't want to be late. un-excused tardiness is not going to look good on my report cards.

Bethany and I walked into our first period class right before the bell rang. "You two were almost late. Take your seats," our teacher, Mrs. Sherman announced.

Mrs. Sherman was a middle aged lady I'm guessing she's in her mid 30's. She's a skinny woman with black hair and grey eyes. She's married with two little boys. She's cool most of the time, but sometimes she's stressed. Probably her menacing little boys who stress her out all the time.

Bethany and I took our seats and waited for Mrs. Sherman to start class. "Alright class, so today we will be watching an educational video on—" Mrs. Sherman stopped talking when the door randomly swung open.

We all turned towards the door to see a girl walk in. She had extremely long brown hair that stopped all the way down to her waist. She had pale skin and it looked like she had brown eyes. She was wearing a black tank top, a black jean jacket, black jeans, and combat boots. I don't understand why she chose to wear all that black during Spring in Miami. The only color she had was the red lipstick she was wearing.

"Is this," the girl paused before looking down at her schedule and looking back up. "Mrs. Sherman's class?"

"Yes it is. You must be our new student, uh... Meghan is it?" Mrs. Sherman asked.

"Yup, but everyone calls me Meg." She stated.

"Okay...Meg, you're late." Mrs. Sherman announced, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Is there a vending machine around here? I'm starving." Meg announced, completely ignoring Mrs. Sherman's comment about her being late.

"Take your seat, miss Walsh."

"So you're calling me by my last name now? I thought that was only for the bad kids." She laughed, shrugging her shoulders.

Mrs. Sherman gave Meg an unamused, blank stare and Meg put her hands up in surrender, taking her seat in the seat in front of me.

[] [] []

"Seriously, he put him in a headlock, and slammed him down." Shawn was currently explaining some dumb wrestling match he watched last night.

"No one cares," Taylor mocked from what Shawn said to her this morning.

Shawn turned towards Taylor and before we knew it, they were arguing to each other at the same time. "They fight like an old married couple." Bethany whispered to me.

"Yeah..." I trailed, watching them go on and on with the argument. But everyone got quiet when we noticed someone randomly sit at our table next to Bethany.

We all turned our heads towards the person, and to my surprise, it was Meg. "You guys mind if I sit with you? Everyone else are losers."

"Sure," Taylor said.

"Cool," Meg smiled, opening her bag of potato chips that she bought from the vending machine. I looked over at Shawn and noticed him staring—almost drooling— at Meg.

Meg looked up and put a weird look on her face before smiling shortly after. "Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?" She asked, pointing to Shawn and Taylor.

"Ew, no!" They both yelled at the same time.

"Sure you aren't," Meg said, winking at the two. Bethany and I laughed at that. Meg turned towards me. "And your name's Zoey right?" She asked.

"Yeah," I confirmed.

"I heard you go out with Jared Woods. He used to go to my summer camp back in elementary school. The dude is a freaking chick magnet."

"You're telling me," I mumbled.

"So do you drive a motorcycle or something?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah," Meg pointed out.

"Wait, seriously?" Bethany asked with wide eyes.

Meg nodded her head. "I can show you guys after school if you want."

"That'd be awesome!" Taylor exclaimed.

"Who taught you how to ride?" I asked.

"My dad, but he died four years ago from a drug overdose when I was eight..." She trailed. Megs eyes suddenly went cold and she looked down at the table.

"I'm sorry," Bethany said.

Meg shrugged. "It's okay. You guys are pretty cool," she said, stuffing more chips into her mouth.

"You are too. You should eat lunch with us everyday." Taylor said with a huge smile on her face.

[] [] []

"What took you so long. I've been waiting out here forever." Jared said when I walked outside.

"So five minutes is forever now?" I asked.

Jared rolled his eyes. "Just come on so we can get to my house and get this dumb project over with."

Jared and I started walking to his car, but Meg suddenly popped up in front of us. "Hey, Zoe. You mind if I call you Zoe?" She asked.

I smiled and shook my head. "Nah, I don't mind."

"Meghan Walsh?" Jared said in shock with wide eyes.

"Hey, Jared. I see you haven't changed much... Racking up the girls one by one."

"You're so hot now," Jared said. I looked up and glared at Jared. "I mean uh... She's my girlfriend," Jared said, playfully punching me in the arm.

"I've heard. Well you two have fun," she said walking back to Taylor, Bethany, and Shawn so she could go show them her motorcycle.

I looked at Jared to see he was still staring at Meg. I rolled my eyes and grabbed him by the wrist. "Come on," I said, pulling him towards his car.

Heyyy another chapter done. Chapter 9 question is...

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