(23) Two Players One Case

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(23) Two Players, One Case

Taylor sighed before turning away from her body length mirror, wiping her nervously sweaty hands on her blue dress. "Guys, I'm really nervous about today." She mentioned, walking away from the mirror and sitting on the edge of her bed. "What if Meg gets taken away from her mom?"

Bethany rolled her eyes. "Then she'll be living in a group home until she turns eighteen. She'll be fine, so can you just chill?" Bethany said with a hint of annoyance in her tone. She was obviously really tired of all the worrying Taylor was doing.

Taylor plopped her back on her bed and stared at the ceiling. "Fine," she mumbled.

Bethany lifted her head up from her phone and looked at me weirdly. "Zoe...you've been quiet lately. Is there something on your mind?" She asked me, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Nope, no, nothing on my mind." I lied, putting an innocent smile on my face and leaning my back against the headboard of Taylor's bed.

Taylor lifted her back off her bed and looked at me with furrows eyebrows. "Zoey, what's up y—"

"Nothing! I'm fine," I interrupted, nodding my head, hoping that they would switch the topic.

"Okay..." Bethany trailed, putting her phone down on the carpeted floor. "So, prom is in like two weeks. I don't even have a date." Bethany mentioned, rolling her eyes.

"I don't either," Taylor agreed, but Bethany and I looked at each other before we both looked at Taylor. "What?" Taylor asked when she noticed both of us were giving her a look.

"Shawn," I pointed out, raising an eyebrow at Taylor. Bethany and I both knew Shawn and Taylor had a thing for each other.

"I do not like Shawn..." Taylor stated quietly.

"Yes you do," Bethany said. Taylor didn't reply, she just plopped her back on her bed and again, leaving the room with silence.

We sat there in silence for only a puppet of seconds before I grabbed my phone to check the time. "The case starts in thirty minutes. We should get going." I said before we all got up and walked down the stairs of Taylor's house.

We exited the house and got into Taylor's white Nissan. We began to drive to the court to find out what was next for Megs life.


"Meghan Walsh, may you please approach the stand?" The judge asked before Meg slowly got up and walked over to the stand. Meg was of course wearing a black dress, and her long, brown hair was up in a ponytail. This was the first and most likely last time I've ever seen her dress formal. Megs mom sat on the other side of the court, tapping her foot continuously and anxiously on the floor.

I looked down at my lap and wiped my hands on my dark red dress. I flicked my eyes to Jared, who was sitting right next to me, but when I realized he was also looked at me, I lifted my head and brought my attention back to Meg.

In case you were wondering, Jared and I still haven't worked things out about this random relationship between us. We tried to talk about it a while ago, but that obviously didn't help, because we decided to got to couples therapy again, and after that, I kissed him. And I still don't know completely why.

I sighed, dismissing the confusing topic from my brain, and listened to what was about to happen.

First Meg had to swear to tell nothing but the truth before she sat down. Afterwards, a lawyer stepped up to the stand and stood in front of Meg, getting ready to ask her a series of questions. The lawyer was a tall man with dark brown hair. He stood with his hands behind his back and gave off a stern attitude, which gave me the chills, and I wasn't even apart of the case.

Two Players, One GameWhere stories live. Discover now