(28) Two Players, One Prom

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(28) Two Players, One Prom

"Zoey, get your ass up, because you're going to prom! And we're not fucking leaving until you get the hell up!" Meg yelled in an immensely frustrated tone.

I let silence serve as my response and I stayed still, my face still buried inside my white, fluffy pillow.

"Zoey, I like to be fashionably late, but this late. Prom started an hour and a half ago and you're not even dressed." Bethany added on. I couldn't see her but I just knew she was rolling her eyes and giving me a look of disappointment.

I huff before quickly lifting myself up front my pillow to face all of my friends. Bethany, Taylor, Shawn, Meg, and Zander all sat around in my room, just patiently waiting for me to get up and get dressed to go to prom. But they were all really just wasting their time because there was no way I was going to prom.

"Get out of here and go to prom! I don't wanna ruin you guys' prom just because I'm having my own problems." I yelled, just wanting them to go enjoy themselves and not have to waste their time on me.

"Look, Zoey," Taylor speaks. "I don't know what's going between you and Jared. But you're our best friend, Zoey." Taylor said, and I look at her with full attention as she continued. " I remember when you, Bethany and I were in elementary school. We always dreamed of going to prom together with our other further best friends. Well now, we're seniors and tonight is that night, Zoey. Tonight is prom night and there is no way in hell were leaving without you." I let a small smile grow at my lips as Taylor continued. "Senior prom is one of the biggest nights of our lives, and I'm gonna experience it with all of my friends, or I'm not going at all."

And just then, the night became something different for me. I realized all I needed on this night was my best friends. Things might have just gotten tough between Jared and I, and I was gonna miss out on what could have been the greatest night of my life for it. But really, all I need is my best friends and I have a perfect night with them. I just need to forget about what went down between Jared and I and be thankful for the friends I have hear in front of me.

I put a huge smile on my face before hopping out of my bed and launching myself at Taylor, squeezing her into a tight hug. "Thank you," I said, closing my eyes as I embrace one of my best friends.

"You're welcome. Now hurry up and go pick out a dress so Beth can do you makeup, while Meg does your hair." Taylor said letting go of my grip.

"And while you guys do that, I'll Taylor and I will be making out." Shawn adds jokingly.

"Shut up, Shawn." Taylor replied, elbowing Shawn in the ribs.

I laughed before quickly running to my closet and slinging the door open. I walked into the walk in closet, scanning my eyes over all the dresses I had. I had a ton of dresses, but none of them were right for prom. I didn't finish out prom shopping with Bethany, Taylor and Meg because I didn't think I would be going to prom after that fall out with Jared. So, I didn't exactly have a dress.

I stood there pondering on what dress I should pick for quite a while. When I realized I was just wasting more time out of prom, I just quickly went with my lace, low neck, navy blue dress. The dress stopped a little above my knees, and it was important to me because my mom gave it to me as a Christmas present on the last Christmas she was with me.

I quickly slipped the dress on and picked out a pair of velvet red suede heels to go with the dress.

Once I was all dressed, I rushed back into the main part of my room to come face to face with Meg and Bethany, who already had the hair and makeup products in their hands. "Sit down," Meg demanded, pouting to the chair in had in a random corner of my room. I walked over to the chair before pulling it up and sitting in it. Instantly, Meg got started on my hair, and Bethany began adding makeup to my face.

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