(8) Two Players, One Fake Date

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(8) Two Players, One Fake Date

I silently sat at my lunch table and started eating my pizza as I waited for the rest of my friends to get to the table.

I was concentrated on eating my pepperoni pizza when all of a sudden, someone sat next to me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before I turned to my right to see Savannah South sitting next to me with a straight, stern face.

Gross, I thought to myself as soon as I saw Savannah's makeup-caked face.

I raised my eyebrows at her in confusion, and all she did was continue to stare at me with that serious look on her face. "Why are you here?" I asked.

"I heard about your little dance party with Jared yesterday." She said, crossing her arms over her chest like she she was my Mom and I'd done something to disappoint her.

I glared at Savannah. "How do you know about that?" I asked curiously. Why does she think that she can continue to butt into my private life?

"I called Jared last night and I asked him what he did after school and he told me that he just worked on the calculus project with you. Then he told me that you guys 'broke the ice' by dancing." She quoted.

I stared at her for a while before speaking. "Okay, What's your damn point?" I snapped, getting annoyed.

"I told you to stay away!" She replied with raised eyebrows.

"Mr. Hayes assigned me as Jared's partner, I can't control that!" I stated, squinting my eyes Savannah like she was the stupidest person I'd ever seen.

Savannah sighed. "Okay, fine. You're off the hook but only because it's for a project. But, every other time, you better stay away!" She said, pointing her index finger in my face.

How can she just tell me that I'm "off the hook" like she owns me?! That has got to be the absolute most dumbest shit that anyone has ever said to me in my entire life! I am not her slave and she will not drag me around like one, dammit!

"You're pathetic," I spat, glaring right in her eyes. "Jared has moved on and he doesn't like you, Savannah. He never has, and he never will. So why are you trying to win him back?"

"Jared and I belong together. We have no time for smart-asses like you to interrupt what we have," She said before leaving the table and skipping off to her own lunch table.

Everything that comes out of that chicks mouth is stupid. She's acting like those girls from the movies who fall crazy for a boy and will do anything to win him back.

I simply shrugged my shoulders and continued to eat my pizza when my friends started to walk up to the table.

"Why was Savannah over here?" Shawn asked right when he sat down.

"No reason," I mumbled, taking a harsh bite from my pizza.

Bethany looked over at Savannah's table and glared at her. "She's such a bitch," she mumbled, shaking her head in disgust.

"Yeah, I've noticed," I seconded.

"You know she's crazy about Jared," Taylor mentioned, turning towards me. "Is that why she was over here?" She asked.

"Yeah, but let's not talk about it," I said, trying my hardest to dismiss the topic.

"You better be careful, or she can steal your man," Bethany stated, pointing an index finger at me.

I rolled my eyes. "She's not going to steal my... man," I said awkwardly, internally puking at the thought of calling Jared my "man."

"You better hope she doesn't. That girl is a deceiving menace," Shawn said, shaking his head in shame.

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