(24) Two Players One Confession

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Hey guys! So I wanted the whole book just to be in Zoey's point of view, but I was thinking about it and this chapter would just make more sense in Jared's point of view. So here you go, special Jared's point of view chapter. Ennnnjoyyyyy.

(24) Two Players, One Confession
Jared's POV

"Party Friday night at my house," Niki Phillips announced as she walked by everyone's lunch table, handing everyone invitations one by one.

"Why is everyone always having a party?" Zander asked in an annoying tone, rolling his eyes. "I mean I like parties, but their getting kind of annoying."

Zander had a point. One thing about high school— at least at East Ridge High— there was a party almost every weekend. It was like week after week, someone was throwing a party... And 99% of those parties contained alcohol and/or drugs.

"Party Friday night at my place." Niki repeated as she approached our table, handing Zander and I an invitation, along with my other friends, Jacob and Noah.

I glanced at the invitation and threw it somewhere on the table before looking back at what I was looking at before, which was Zoey.

Things haven't been to conventional between Zoey and I for quite a while. Every since they first time I kissed her, it's like our relationship just took an instantaneous turn.

I knew I shouldn't have kissed her. That's what I was afraid of. I was afraid of things changing between us. But when she kissed me a coupe days after I kissed her, it just made things much more confusing between the two of us. I don't even know what to think. The way Zoey messes up my brain is unbelievable. I just—

"Jared! Earth to Jared!" I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I realized Zander was snapping his fingers in my face.

"Why were you staring at Zoey?" Noah asked curiously, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing, no reason." I said, shrugging my shoulders and taking a bite out of my turkey sandwich that was served for lunch. "Are you guys going to this party tomorrow?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Sure, why not?" Jacob said, shrugging his shoulders.

Zander and Jacob nodded their heads in agreement, and I nodded in reply before turning my focus back to Zoey, but then turning away because I realized I've done enough staring.

When the bell finally rung, everyone fled the cafeteria and made their ways to their next classes.

I gathered all of my books before walking down the long hallways until I got to my locker. I quickly put in my combination and threw my books into my locker before the notebook I needed for my next class, which was Mr. Hayes' history class.

I slammed my locker close before walking down to Mr. Hayes' classroom. I was one of the first people in the class since I practically rushed out of the cafeteria and didn't stop to talk to anyone in the hallway like I usually did. So, I sat and waited until people started to fill in.

The bell finally rang and Mr. Hayes began class. "Alright class," Mr. Hayes, getting up from his chair. "Today in class I want you all to work on the questions on page 392 in the textbook. You may move around and work on this assignment with a partner. Turn your papers in at the end of class." He explained before sitting back down in his chair.

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