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I know he's probably wondering why I spazzed out on him like I did about him smoking but It's not really fault these days my hormones are everywhere a few days after Nivia's accident I found out I was pregnant

I wanted to tell Noelle but he had so much on his plate at the moment that I decided to wait hopefully he'll understand

I'm scared though because I don't know how he's gonna take it we've been in this situation once before

Noelle was my first in everything even the first boy I let get between my legs we were in the 9th grade and every girl was losing their virginities to dudes that could care less about them and when it was all set and done they ended up broken hearted

I was afraid it would happen to me so me and Noelle had a talk and we agreed that he was the only that I could trust so I let him take it we were young and dumb back then so we didn't use protection because we felt like since we knew each other it was okay

A month after it happened I started  throwing up and eating a lot and Noelle's older cousin tyra started to notice the changes in my body and she asked me if I'd been doing things I trusted her so I told her what happened between me and Noelle she took me that same day to get a pregnancy test I was so scared when it read positive but she assured me she had my back when I told Noelle he was excited But we both knew we couldn't keep I was in the middle of being legally adopted by the twins parents and a pregnancy would've messed up the whole process we agreed to get an abortion but we were too young to go alone so tyra took me and we all promised not to tell anyone that secret has never been brought up to this day

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