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I sat in the dark alley with my eyes glued on the man I've been waiting to appear from behind those walls all night .

Taking my gun off safety I was ready finish what I had not yet begun to do
He was going to feel everything that we felt for the last two years My mind went blank as I thought of all the pain that this sick man caused my sister to endure he would pay for this shit with his life and no one was gonna get in the way of that

Don't say a fuckin word just walk quietly to the alley across the street I said with my gun to his back
He did as he was told and walked to the alley
Tying him up and throwing him in the trunk we pulled off to the warehouse our father owned off in the woods

The ride was silent the whole time me and tony both seemed to be in deep thought my thoughts were mostly about nivia its wasn't even 10minutes into my thoughts when the guilt started to weigh on me I couldn't shake it this time either because now my eyes were blood shot red and the rage started to build inside me

I swerved off the road and before I knew I lost it I opened the trunk and dragged Charles out by his feet slamming him to the ground I repeatedly kicked him in his face and his stomach my steel toed boots were breaking his teeth but I didn't give AF only thing I was picturing was those words that my sister wrote her journal he raped her without any remorse so why should I have any for him I wanted him to feel what she felt

Grabbing a stick from the ground I shoved it repeatedly in his ass he screamed through the tape but that didn't stop me all I wanted was blood

You think what you did to my sister was okay huh you thought I would find out I yelled you sick bastard I said giving him another kick to the head knocking it to the ground

Tony pulled me away chill bro we cant kill him here ....
Fuck that bruh that nigga gone die when and where I say he die and that's now I said sending 5 shots to his head splitting his skull in half in that moment as those bullets flew into his brain my heart became a little more colder I don't give AF who you are from this day forward if you fuck with the people I love I will end you In the worst way possible believe that

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