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I can't believe I let him kiss me and I didn't even resist I feel so wrong because I know I betrayed Terrell even though we were going through something right now I had no right to press the problems of my relationship onto the lips of my ex it feels so right though the way our tongues moved in sync the look he had in his eyes after was everything its like he seen right through my soul but I knew better than anybody that this couldn't work even though Irees words were genuine I still felt as if it was the same bullshit front from last time and I refused to believe him this time only to get my heart broken in the end

"Iree I can't "I said breaking the kiss

"What you mean you cant"?he said with a confused look on his face

"I don't believe you this is exactly what you do every time your around get me in my feelings and fill my head up with these false emotions you claim you have and then you leave"

"I refuse to dream upon a lie and I have a boyfriend we both love each other a lot this kiss was a mistake I'm never making again"

I thought he was pissed off by the look on his face but he wasn't that angry arch in his face suddenly softened and he spoke

"I understand and I'm sorry for even coming at you the way I did I know I wasn't a good boyfriend to you and for me to come back and think everything could go back to normal was foolish of me I promise I'll respect your wishes and your relationship and back off all I want is for you to be happy and if he can do that for you I'm cool with it"

"Just promise me something"

"Promise you what "?I questioned

"Promise me that we can always be friend and that if you need someone you'll let me be there for you"he said

"I promise and just know I'll always have love for you Iree you were my first love"

"I'll always love you too and don't worry the kiss is our little secret"he said giving me a wink and his annoying as laugh erupted through the whole park

" hahaha not funny but thanks I really appreciate it"

And with that we continued our walk through the park my phone had vibrated at least five times and it was Terrell telling me we needed to talk its probably about last night well I guess I'll call him when I get home

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