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At the Gym...

"Ughhh"I groaned as I was finishing up my last reps on the bench

"I told you I could do at least 100 with 250pounds"

"Tony I swear sometimes I think your hulk or some shit" Nivia said handing me my towel

"Nah that's that Jamaican blood in me gyal you know our father's built like a brick wall I don't have anything on him"I said laughing at her as was doing these stiff as squats

"What's so funny" she questioned

"Nothings funny lil sis you just stiff AF that's all"I chuckled

"Oh you think I'm stiff"she questioned

"I don't think nivia I know "I said

She hit a full on split in the middle of the mat and took her right leg behind her head My mouth dropped .......

"Is that flexible enough for you Brother"she smirked

"Get yo ass up before I have to kill one of these pervert mother fuckers in here"I said glaring at her

"I mean your the one who tried to play me so I had to show you"she said laughing

"Where did you learn that at"I questioned

"I've been in gymnastics since I was 3 and I was a cheerleader from 7th grade until my sophomore year when I broke my ankle "nivia said

"Well keep your skills to yourself when your around me because I don't wanna have to give you your first big brother ass whooping"I said causing her to laugh

"Boy please I'll let you think you gone beat my ass but if you ever grow the balls to wanna try it I promise I'll cut your dick off with a machete"she said glaring at me

Before I could say anything my phone started ringing it was Icis

"Hold up for a minute sis"


Tony:Wassup shawty
Icis:where are you I really need to see you
Tony:I'm at the Gym are you okay why does it sound like your crying
Icis:I'm right around the corner I'll be there in a minute
Tony:Icis are you ......

And with that she hung up not even letting me finish my sentence

"Is everything okay "Nivia questioned I'm guessing she seen the look on my face

"I don't know Icis just called me and she sounded weird"I said

"Where is she"Nivia asked

"She said she's around the corner she should be here in a minute "

"Well let's go outside and wait for her "Nivia suggested

"You sure"I questioned

"Yeah come on"she said grabbing my hand

As soon as we were in front of the gym I seen Icis car pull up and when she got out I immediately became angry her lip was busted her nose looked bruised and she had tears trickling down her cheeks  by the look on Nivia's face I could tell she could relate

"You okay"I asked Nivia

"Yeah I'm cool"she said but she still had the look that told me she wasn't

As Icis got closer I could see that her nose was actually bruised and there was a red mark on her wrists

"Yo what happened to your face"I questioned as she approached me

"Ugh Tony I'm gonna go to the house I'll take your car you can ride with Icis obviously y'all have a lot to talk about "Nivia said

I nodded

"See you later Icis I hope everything works out for you"she said before walking off

"Give me your keys"I told Icis

She handed them to me

"Get in the car" I demanded

When she was in I got in the drivers side and I sped out of the parking lot the ride was silent

20minutes later .......

We pulled up to the park I got out and opened her door and she followed me to a table a few feet away from the playground

"What happened to your face Icis"

"Nothing Tony I'm okay  "

"If your okay why did you call Me sounding like you were about to cry"I questioned

" I'm positive that I'm okay Tony I just wanted to see you that's all"she said looking away

"You know what's funny I've heard that same line from someone once before and the crazy thing is  they weren't okay so don't sit here and play with my intelligence I know your not okay so either your gonna tell me what's going on with you or I'm gonna find out for myself but either way it goes I'm going to find out and when I do it's going to be bad"I said glaring at her

She didn't say anything she didn't even look at me


"What tony"

"Look at me Icis if you don't tell me  what's going on how am I gonna help you "I said

"Nobody can help me Tony I want to  tell you  but I really don't want to involve you in my problems"she said

"Your my girl I really care about hell I may even love you so that means your problems are my problems"

"Iree hit me"she cried

"Who's iree "I questioned

"He's my brother"

"He what?"

"He hit me"she said

"When did this happen Icis"I said my blood was boiling

"Yesterday we had an argument and he hit me and I told him I'd tell our father and he said if I wanted him  dead before my highschool graduation then go ahead"

"Well I'm not your father he can't kill me so I'm gonna have a talk with this nigga for putting his hands on you because that's some pussy shit but until then your staying with me my sister and my brother I'm not letting you go back home with that nigga"

How could someone hit their sister your job is to protect her not hurt her I can't even imagine putting my hands on nivia she's the most precious thing to me I could never hurt her well any female at that this nigga must be mental ass fuck its cool though once I get done beating his ass he ain't gone ever put his hands on a female again

"I love you tony"

"I love you too Icis I promise nobody's ever gonna hurt you again as long as I got blood pumping through my veins you'll always be protected"

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