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Me and tony were in the middle of a game of 2k when I heard a loud noise coming from Nivias room I'm guessing tony heard it to because we both got up and ran to the door

I knocked twice and there was no reply I twisted the handle it was locked I had no choice but to kick the door in

Neither of us were prepared for what was there waiting behind that door her room was thrashed and she was just standing there with blood trickling out the splits in her wrist

Tony quickly ran over to her and took the blade out her hands I was stuck no matter how much I wanted to I couldn't move I couldn't figure out who this person was standing before me everything in me wanted to believe this was a dream and that this person standing before me wasn't my sister

It was my sister though a more damaged part of her a part of her that was foreign to me I'd never seen this side of her

Snapping me out of my thoughts tony spoke "Bro we can't take her to a hospital like this they'll only classify her as suicidal and put her in the mental ward she doesn't need that right now"

Your right man just hold her right there while I get the first aid kit i said leaving the room

"Wtf has happened to my sister I thought as I grabbed the first aid kit"
Going back into her room nene and tony were sitting on her bed as he cleaned her cuts

How deep are they I asked opening the kit to find the materials I needed
They're not to deep but its deep enough to where she might need stitches he said

I nodded sitting next to them taking her arm and stitching up good enough to make sure the cuts wouldn't reopen after I was done I wrapped it up and gave her some pain medicine
Instantly she was dosing off to sleep

Yo man we really have to find out what's going on with babysis man shits gettin out of control tony said with a serious look

I plan on doing that ASAP man I could've lost her today and I'm not letting this shit happen again I gotta put a stop to this now I said getting up putting my shoes on

Where you going tony said
I'm going to my mom's house to see if there's something there that could help me figure this shit out she only started acting like this when she came from over there I'm gonna figure out why...

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