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I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating none stop I had missed calls from the twins and a text from Terrell
Myheadache😍😒😛:I know you haven't been wanting me around lately but can you plz come outside I really need to talk to you

Grabbing my phone and putting on my shoes I walked to the door only to be stopped by Tony questioning me about where I was going

I'm only going outside tony Terrell's here to see me I said rolling my eyes
I guess he didn't believe me because he called Terrell like really nigga what was I gonna do go jump in front of a car

Go ahead he said with a sly smirk
I really get tired of him and Noelle trying to play daddy to me I just walked out the door Terrell was sitting on the hood of his her car with his head down Immediately guilt swept over me

I guess he seen me walk up because he got up and went to the passenger side and opened the car and opened the door for me to get in after he made sure I was in he jogged to the other side and got in

I didn't even ask where we were going as he crunk up the car I couldn't even look him in the eye I was a horrible person for pushing him away like I did

The ride to our destination was silent after about a thirty minute drive we pulled up to a park it wasn't a regular park with a playground it only had benches a small track and a pond

Getting out and opening my door Terrell grabbed my hand and led me to a bench a few feet away from the pond we sat there in silence before he spoke

Why did you avoid me he said and instantly I heard the hurt in his voice
I couldn't look at him
Look at me he said turning my head to him

I didn't know what else to do Terrell I was hurt but most of all I was embarrassed I didn't know if you would still feel the same after that
I didn't want you to judge me I said looking down

Once again he made me look at him
Why would I judged you nivia I'm not perfect either I have enough flaws for you and me that would've never changed my feelings for you and it still hasn't only thing I wanted to do was make sure you were okay not judge you but all you did was push me away

I'm sorry Terrell I really am I just didn't wanna lose you that way so I thought that just letting you go would be easier I said trying not to cry

I'm not going anywhere nivia I never thought I could love anyone a day of my life but I know I love you he said looking into my eyes I swear it felt as if he could see my soul

You do ?I questioned him
Yes I love you Nivia King
I was lost for words at that second

You don't have to say it if.....I cut him off
I love you too Terrell Travis I love you so much he gave me the most passionate kiss I've ever had in my life

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