2. Yes & No

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2. Yes & No


i throw my remote on the floor and throw a mini tantrum in my bed, while slightly hoping the batteries didnt fall out and go rolling into the scary darkness called under my bed.

"what crawled up your ass and died?" moo asks as she takes out one of her earphones and starts twirling it in fast circles. i could hear 21 pilots clearly, even with my TV at the volume of 73. i pull a frowney face and glare at the stupid tv where my favourite show was currently playing the credits.

"it pisses me off how the directors cant see thE FRICKEN TENSION BETWEEN CAS AND DEAN LIKE WHAT THE FUCK?! GET THE GAY ROMANCE - THAT IS CLEARLY OBVIOUS BY ONE LOOK THAT THEY GIVE EACH OTHER - STARTED ALREADY!!!" i start yelling half way through and smile when the anger subsides a little and i get up and pick up the remote. i look over at molly who is slightly holding my cross chain that i left on her desk next to her face.

"i swear your a freaking midget sized demon from hell itself when supernatural comes into the fucking picture. next minute you know, your eyes turn black and your screaming black smoke out of your god damn gob." moo says in a slightly overly concerned voice and i roll my eyes, crouching to the floor to find the batteries for the TV remote.

"you busy this weekend?" molly says as i stick up my ass to look under my bed. i gasp at how far deep the batteries had gone and decided to get spare batteries from my emergency draw. once i had the batteries in the remote and the boring advert finally switched off, i finally answered molly.

"yes and no." i say simply, sitting down at my study desk.

i could feel molly's raised eye brows from here. "what you mean yes and no?" she asks, coming over and perching her ass on the side of my desk. "get your fat ass off my desk!" i insult her, but she only smirks and plants her ass on it, her crack swallowing my beloved pencil. i sigh, and grab a new one from the pen tin.

"i have an assignment to do. if i start tonight, ill get it done midday tomorrow and we can do something when im done." molly seems pleased with my answer, and kissing my cheek goodbye she is gone, off to one of her girl toys she has at the moment.

i knew she wouldnt be coming back, so i lock the door before pulling open the book on gay marriage, getting started on a 5 page essay my Law teacher liked to make us suffer with.


i squeak when i feel a hand slap me awake, and glare at a wall before sitting up and glaring at the owner of the hand.

"excuse you!" i say, clearly not in the mood to be a nice pineapple to my dear friend. Bonnie only smirks as she sits in my bean bag.

"molly told me about your assignment. you done yet?" she asked, assessing her poorly looked after nails. i shrug and look back, ignoring the drool my desk was saving for later. it probably thought id sip the blob later on.

"another paragraph, my conclusion, to go. any plans?" i say, getting settled back into my essay.

"probably just a night in here. open a few windows so we can smoke, i know molly has alcohol." i laugh at her comment and shake my head. theres a knock on my door and bonnie opens it, revealing Jon. "hey guys, um..Molly is bi?!" bonnie and i looked at each other with straight faces before we burst into tears of laughter, leaving poor Jonny confused as fuck.

only short one, sozzzy X


updated soon <3


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