5. The New Kid

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go to chapters pro, 1, 2, 3 and 4 for a pic of Kaci, Moo, Bonnie, Jon and Tanner! :)*

5. The New Kid


new student drama at school traveled fast. by the time youve met them, you know their name, age, sexuality and relationship status and god knows what else.

i was currently getting ready for school when molly came back, her hair a mess, her lipstick smeared and her clothes crinkled from being on the floor. it was a guy last night, at least he was good looking. she looked at me and smiled, quickly shutting the door when my black bra was exposed and i was giving her a glare.

not even bothering to change and putting her hair in a messy bun, she grabs her homework filled school bag and puts it by the door before settling herself on my bed as i get dressed.

"i saw the new kid before." moo says, breaking the silence as i tie up my short hair into a tiny bun. i kinda miss long hair but its too hot and i dont know how moo puts up with it. "mmm" i murmur, not paying attention.

"yep, his names Tanner Welsh, he's 25 and studying forensic science. he's a cutie too! tall, 6 pack, green eyes, sexy as fuck." she winks at me and i roll my eyes. "ok sweetheart, dont get ahead of yourself." i say, grabbing my school bag along with Molly as we left our dorm. she only chuckles as we fist bump and go our separate ways.

its sad how we only have 2 classes together, and we only have those classes on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

i head towards my english class, my head down and earphones in.

when i get into class, my teacher hadnt shown up yet and i took my seat at the back of the 100 seated classroom. as i empty my school bag, someone taps my shoulder and i quickly look up, never really approached by a classmate before. the person is the same guy who asked if i needed help before. i smile, unsure with what to actually do.

he smiled back and points to the seat next to me, with a raised eyebrow. i simply nod, looking away as he plants himself next to me of all people.

"im Tanner." he says as he focuses on emptying his bag like i had recently done. i feel my face flush as he speaks, his voice rather low and husky. it was nice. "K-Kaci?" i stammer, making it sound more like a question rather then a statement. he chuckles lowly and our teacher saves me by walking in.

"good morning class!" drowning out Tanner, the new boy, i focus back on my studies, fitting in a glance at tanners sexy, sharp jawline every now and then.


if i could choose my classes right now, i would have a free period and be in my bed. at least my classes only went from 8am-12pm today.

my phone vibrates on my desk and i put it in front of my laptop to read it.

moo: heard sexy thang was in your class this morning!

i roll my eyes as moo texts me instead of sliding a piece of paper not even 5cm, or just whispering it. i text her back anyway,

you: yeah he sat next to me. only exchanged names tho

i press send and rest my head on my hand, watching as Mister Ph ( P - H ) walks around a smart board, me not paying attention since it was maths.

moo: cool as! why hasnt the teacher called the role?

you: becuz he never does

moo: so im stuck in this class?! FUCK!

i chuckle, feeling sorry for moo who snuck into my class, hoping to get kicked out. it was fun and games for her, she never got in trouble. her dad was the scary principle every teacher was scared of, when really he gets excited over a kitten and you cant help but see him as an adult 12 year old.

you: boo hoo

i reply and put my phone to the side, smirking when she flips me off and sinks into her chair.

sorry chapters are short and unedited.
ill try write longer ones but they will mAinly contain 5-10 pages :))

hope your enjoying!
would like too see more comments haha - even for normal chat??



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