11. Life or Death

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11. Life or Death


we wave Tanner, Danny, and Jon goodbye as they are the first to leave. we were currently in the parking lot, and we pulled out our rolls as Jons car is pulled out of site.

Bonnie lights us all up and we lean on the bonnet of my car.

"dinner was great." i say with a smile, mentally watching a video when Danny was being a bitch about something and bonnie had accidentally spilt her coke all over Danny's new dress. everyone laughs, watching the mental video i saw.

"it was great fun. would of been better if Mike and Danny didnt happen to tag along." i dont question Moo and mike, and stomp on the last of my rolled up ciggie.

"come on guys. lets get out of here. i need my beauty sleep." everyone agrees and we get in, bonnie having to open the door for a slightly tipsy moo. thisll be fun tonight.

"wait for me!" a drunk mike calls as he skips towards my car, hopping in the backseat with Moo. i roll my eyes and listen to my baby purr to life.

"can we go to Walmart?" moo asks in the back seat, and i frown. "we dont have walmart.." i say, and she pouts. "how about coles?" i shrug and instead of questioning why, i turn left intead of right and head towards coles. it was a good hour away unlike woolies, but i didnt mind. i was hoping the would fall asleep.

with my phone connected to my radio, i shuffle my Road Trip playlist that i made in year 10, and we jam along to our old beats before Sex, money and niggas came into play.

we were all laughing.
i loved it, i missed it.

we need to go on a road trip one day. just moo, bon, jon, tan and i. no tag alongs, just us. Either a convey or maybe even my baby. she would take us anyway.

trip around Australia; come home, pack all our shit, fly to darwin then new york and london and bora bora!

didnt sound too bad. we would all pay towards it, it could be a 3 to 5 year trip with all our friends! we wouldnt fight, disagree. it would be fucking fun. if we were to travel around Australia, i might even let moo or Jon try driving. maybe anyway. and if we actually decided to go over seas, id leave my baby at mum and dads garage, say goodbye and go on another one or two year trip!

how bad could that possibly be?

"watcha thinking about?" bon says as mike falls asleep in the backseat and moo sits in the middle, jumping over the front seat. she only smiles and i roll my eyes.

with the music loud, i manage to talk loud enough for all of us to hear and for me to focus on the road.

"i was thinking, we all like to travel right?" i look back at them and see them nod and quickly look back again. we maybe had half an hour, 40 minutes to go. "why not travel around australia?" as i let my question sink in, bonnie turns down the music a tad, loud enough to hear, while moo's eyes shine with excitement.

"i mean, i would rather we all finished school first. it would suck since were already started our first year and what we want to do takes time! if we were doing something easier like being a manager at Walmart, we could of gone earlier." Moo laughs at my not meant to be funny joke.

"so, you, molly, jon, tanner and myself, go on one bigass trip? what then?" she asks, hoping there more. i chuckle, wondering theyd do it.

"would you go overseas for a bigass holiday?" they both sit up straight, nodding their hands faster then a poor man would to a gazillion dollars. i only laugh and shake my head.

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