9. Luptus and Percy

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9. Luptus and Percy


"for a girl, Tanner is pretty sexy," moo says, her vivid imagination probably having him in a bondage suit and her doing real nasty things to him with a cuff and whip.

its a little fucked up that she has a box full of sex toys, including those instruments.

i only hum in response as i put on my work uniform. i hear her sigh and she comes up behind me, fixing my collar. "i promise no more parties, and this place will be spot clean when you get back at closing time." she says with a smile, and i cant help but smile in return as i grab my car keys, cigarettes and phone.

"see you later!" i yell, pulling out a ciggie and a lighter, getting ready to light it once im in my Black and White 67' Dodge.

as soon as my baby purrs to life, im off to the aquarium, half an hour before opening and an hour later then usual.


"Kaci!" sally yells as she seems me, her boobs bouncing too outer space as she jogs towards me. i was grateful for small boobs. "its great your here! Percy started to worry." i sigh and walk in, heading towards the penguin sanctuary where tiny percy is normally waiting.

as predicted, he was at the door waiting and waddled towards me while saying what im hoping isnt a "your late bitch" in his native tongue. "Hey percy! so im late baby. heres a fishy." i chuck him the fish which he gratefully catches, and Percy and i head over to Luptus aquarium. i heard him before i saw him.

he sat on his rock, clapping his arms together, making sounds of excitement. he also got a fish.

i sat and talked to the beautiful animals i liked to call my best friends, until it was time to put Percy back into his little sanctuary.

"ok. we open in 5 and theres already a big line and we have 2-1 late commer." andrew says, changing his numbers when Amy walked through. "sorry, the people thought i was cutting in. same with Jeremy." andrew nods and gives us jobs.

i was on tour guides with andrew, sally was with the penguins, amy would be doing the show for her baby killerwhale, and jeremy was going to feed the animals. perks of being late, some of the stuff they eat is disgusting!

"alright people. ill sort with our other staff, you start your side of the tours and everyone do theyre jobs correctly! ill see you guys at closing time!" our gay - yes gay - leader struts out and everyone gets to work.


"why are sundays stressful?!" amy claims as she slumps on our lunchroom couch. we were resting from the big day.

"i know. Sunday's are normally quiet." i say as i down my terrible coffee. i didnt mind the taste at the moment. Andrew finally walks in, having locked the whole aqaurium besides one door which hell lock when everyone has gone home at 4. the aquarium closes to visitors at 3:30 on a sunday.

"it was only busy because we had our new bird cages open. one of the birds know how to say cunt, fuck off and bitch!" we all laugh and dont really give a fuck.

"it was great fun tho, i gotta go guys. ill catch up during the week." everyone nods and waves as i exit the building, towards my car.

looking at my phone for the first time today, i see a missed call, 3 texts who were from Tanner, Moo and a kid from one of my classes and a chatous notification.

my heart speeds up as i rush home, where trouble probably awaits.


as i walk towards my dorm, i start to hear screaming that sounds like Moo, and another voice i just cant make out. as i unlock the door, im shocked to see a pouting jon, blank face bon, angry as fuck moo and a scared but equally angry Tanner. i gulp and wonder if i should of read the text messages before i came home..

Bonnie coughs and everyone looks to wear shes pointing, which is me with a raised and questioning eyebrow.

everyone is silent for a minute until Tanner coughs and looks sideways before saying what is either the truth or a lie.

"Molly tried to get in my pants!" he somewhat yells, and i frown, wondering if this is exactly what they were all screaming and yelling about. in moos perspective, probably. but something seemed off.

"your yelling and screaming for lord farquad to here, and its because you wouldnt let Molly get into your pants?" i say, looking around at everyone to see their reactions. everyone had a blank face besides moo, who had a smirk.

i sigh and look around, grateful that the room is at least clean.

"i want everyone out of this room. now! come back at 6." everyone nods, even molly, knowing how i was when i was tried. chucking everything on one side of the bed, i climb in and instantly fall asleep, totally forgetting about my Chatous notification.


i woke up to someone poking my cheek. i open one sleepy eye, looking for the time. it was 7:30pm.

"you looked peaceful, so we went to Jons room." i nodded and rolled over in my bed, facing the roof. "also, go shower. you smell like seaweed, and were going out for dinner." i sit up and frown, rubbing my eyes. i looked at moo and she wore a nice dark red dress, a small pocket on her left boob. it was rare to see moo in a dress.

"start of term dinner? remember?" she chuckles and i snort, getting up and going towards the bathroom. the shower was already running, leaving me to just get undressed.

i step under the hot bliss and sigh, grateful to get the slime off me and relax my muscles.

Start of term dinner. this was gonna be fun!

Might fit in a few more chapters tonight :)

whos your favourite character so far?
Percy and Luptus?



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